Electronic Health Records


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I am curious as to what folks think about EHR. EHR is touted as this huge cost savings thing related to the whole universal healthcare stuff coming down. Currently I go to two doctors that use them, one is good with them, one bad.

The good, everyone has laptops, I don't know how many total, I am sure there is sharing involved, and the laptops leave the room with the doctor or nurse.

The bad has desktops in everyroom, with logon's at least and the pc's are locked when the doctor/nurse leaves. However, they don't do anything to hide their typing, so with little effort I could pick up someone's user name and password. This seems like a prime place to me for someone to use the stolen credentials and get at records they shouldn't have access too. I figure anyone who wants to can and will get at any medical records they want, but you should at least make it a challenge, weed out the people who'd do it for fun. I still have to constanly remind the doctor of my allergies and events of previous visits because he never scans through the chart as I recall my pediatrician doing growing up...

Like most things it seems that implementation and use matter as much as anything else with how effective they will be, but I don't see them as the silver bullet or cost savings and accident reducing with like drug interaction that seems to be touted.

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