Politically, my beliefs have traditionally fallen in line with what Kucinich stands for. However, I've undergone a sea change in recent months. I feel that our government has been too corrupted by corporate influence and that there have been way too many erosions of our civil liberties to even think about expanding the scope of the government.
I think that a well meaning liberal president would only find his/her policies twisted to fit an elitist agenda and further cast our country down into ruin.
IMHO, this is not the time for social engineering. This is the time to attempt to preserve what is left of our country.
So, with a presidential candidate, I'm looking for the following...
1. Someone who will preserve ALL of our constitutional rights in the spirit in which they were given.
2. Someone who will overhaul the financial system of this country and stop the erosion of our standard of living by inflation, debt, and tax.
3. Someone who will curtail corporate influence in government by preventing it from being controlled by the highest bidder.
The only candidate that I think will do all of this is Ron Paul. I don't agree with everything that he stands for, but at this point I think that something really radical needs to be done or we stand to lose this country as we know it.
This is so weird. I'm a liberal whose supporting a libertarian...but I think its a sign of the times.
btw - I can't support Kucinich. I met him once and he said something that was really really creepy...and this is not superficial.