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I think Shane is right.. This is getting blown way out of proportion.

JB had some questions, I think we took care of it. The bright side is we will probably cross paths one of these days and train together, and share some knowledge..

I will be teaching with Hock at a seminar in Dallas Jan 22 & 23. Check out his website for the info if you are interested. I will put you on the mailing list, and when I bring G.M. Pallen to town next I will let you know. I usually bring him in 2 or 3 times a year..

Keep up the hard training.

I'm glad we got this worked out.

Dean, if you know of any Kajukenbo guys in my area, I would love to see them train some time. I've never had the chance to see any of them. Maybe if I ever get to Austin I will stop by. It's been about 6 years since I have been to Austin. I do have family in North Houston, so maybe next time I there I will try to swing on over.

OK. So, here's my kvetch. Here's a pic of Mr. Berry, of the EKKS. Young guy; wearing an eighth degree black, and an IKKA patch? Where, exactly, on the family tree in AK, and/or any of it's Parker incarnations, did this guy get an 8th? This is why I get irritated and call...​

Let's put this in perspective. Robert Perry, 1st gen under Mr. Parker before this guy was born, spent more years in kenpo then this dude is old; ran the Garden Grove kenpo school for quite a while, starting many early kenpoists on their journeys...wore an 8th for a very long time...he was also in his "mature" years when he wore it, not a pup.​

Before Mr. Parker passed, his highest IKKA notorized gents were 7ths. By strapping on an 8th, Berry is saying his kenpo KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE is equal to -- or greater than -- the knowledge and experience of ANY of the pre-Dec. '90 Seniors or 7th's. He is larger than Sullivan, White, Chapel, Trejo, Palanzo, Planas, LaBounty, Tatum, etc. (sorry to have left out so many great kenpoists...my brain is reeling from seeing this).​

The IKKA is a sleeping entity, yet this guy appears to -- from what I can make out in the pic -- be wearing an IKKA patch...the intimation being that his 8th is in some way connected to Parker's IKKA. Or close enough to warrant knocking off the patch design. He's wearing a flame from the Internationals. Again, very Parkeresque...something reserved for folks who participated in the Long Beach Internationals. I hope I'm wrong on this one, but does anyone recall seeing him there? Ever?​

Mr. Conatser -- one of the men closest to Parker in the latter years -- only recently started wearing something higher; so now Berry outranks one of the more knowledgeable gentleman in kenpo. Mr. Salantri, also one of the folks near to Mr. Parker towards the end, ain't wearing an eighth, and he spent many hours under the direct tutelage of Mr. Parker, as well as some of his more talented seniors....has Mr. Berry even met Mr. Parker, much less trained with him on a regular basis? Mr. White -- a landmark in kenpo, with a rich history as a competitor, champion, and trainer of champions -- wears a 9th at the time of this writing. Is this Berry cat really within a 1-stripe reach of Mr. Whites capabilities and contributions in and to kenpo? (Uhhh...hey Beevis.)​

In turning blooming psychology interns loose on the world for their hours, we used to use the phrase, "confidence without competence". One of my biggest complaints with/in kenpo is the number of idjits running around with lotsa rank, but no clue..."rank, without skill"? Or how about "belts without brains".​

I could take my belt to the tailor's and have them sew a bunch of red bars and stripes on it, too. I would like to believe, however, that if I walked into Mr. Whites or Mr. Chapels, I could expect my betters (meaning "most folks there") to beat the livin' snot out of me for being that presumptuous. I would like to see how well the red stains hold up to the crucible of some old-school training sessions. I treat a couple of retired local tournament blue belts with creaks and groans from the seriousness of training that I'd put my money on over this guy and his "bars & stripes".​

This kind of garbage just really bugs the hell out of me.​

End of pissy rant,​

Yeah, I haven't posted in months but this gets to me also. Living the dream out here in Maui is killer BUT every so often our club gets these "drifters" who are "high" ranking kenpoist. We here in Maui are fortunate to be linked directly with Mr. Planas. Check his website for school listings. Anyway, I have to laugh when our Samoan or Tongan blue /green belts, knock the piss out of an "7year" 3rd dan. Why do we let them on the mat? Probably because of the ALOHA spirit and because deep down my Sifu and I know their balloon of pride WILL get popped. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall... Proverbs...Peace to all.:asian:
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
[nd of pissy rant

Well Dr. Dave it looks like maybe your questions can get answered. I believe the gentleman in question just signed up on MT.

I to would like to know how someone that's 3 years older than me can obtain an 8th degree. :asian:
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:

OK. So, here's my kvetch. Here's a pic of Mr. Berry, of the EKKS. Young guy; wearing an eighth degree black, and an IKKA patch? Where, exactly, on the family tree in AK, and/or any of it's Parker incarnations, did this guy get an 8th? This is why I get irritated and call...​


Let's put this in perspective. Robert Perry, 1st gen under Mr. Parker before this guy was born, spent more years in kenpo then this dude is old; ran the Garden Grove kenpo school for quite a while, starting many early kenpoists on their journeys...wore an 8th for a very long time...he was also in his "mature" years when he wore it, not a pup.​

Before Mr. Parker passed, his highest IKKA notorized gents were 7ths. By strapping on an 8th, Berry is saying his kenpo KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE is equal to -- or greater than -- the knowledge and experience of ANY of the pre-Dec. '90 Seniors or 7th's. He is larger than Sullivan, White, Chapel, Trejo, Palanzo, Planas, LaBounty, Tatum, etc. (sorry to have left out so many great kenpoists...my brain is reeling from seeing this).​

The IKKA is a sleeping entity, yet this guy appears to -- from what I can make out in the pic -- be wearing an IKKA patch...the intimation being that his 8th is in some way connected to Parker's IKKA. Or close enough to warrant knocking off the patch design. He's wearing a flame from the Internationals. Again, very Parkeresque...something reserved for folks who participated in the Long Beach Internationals. I hope I'm wrong on this one, but does anyone recall seeing him there? Ever?​

Mr. Conatser -- one of the men closest to Parker in the latter years -- only recently started wearing something higher; so now Berry outranks one of the more knowledgeable gentleman in kenpo. Mr. Salantri, also one of the folks near to Mr. Parker towards the end, ain't wearing an eighth, and he spent many hours under the direct tutelage of Mr. Parker, as well as some of his more talented seniors....has Mr. Berry even met Mr. Parker, much less trained with him on a regular basis? Mr. White -- a landmark in kenpo, with a rich history as a competitor, champion, and trainer of champions -- wears a 9th at the time of this writing. Is this Berry cat really within a 1-stripe reach of Mr. Whites capabilities and contributions in and to kenpo? (Uhhh...hey Beevis.)​

In turning blooming psychology interns loose on the world for their hours, we used to use the phrase, "confidence without competence". One of my biggest complaints with/in kenpo is the number of idjits running around with lotsa rank, but no clue..."rank, without skill"? Or how about "belts without brains".​

I could take my belt to the tailor's and have them sew a bunch of red bars and stripes on it, too. I would like to believe, however, that if I walked into Mr. Whites or Mr. Chapels, I could expect my betters (meaning "most folks there") to beat the livin' snot out of me for being that presumptuous. I would like to see how well the red stains hold up to the crucible of some old-school training sessions. I treat a couple of retired local tournament blue belts with creaks and groans from the seriousness of training that I'd put my money on over this guy and his "bars & stripes".​

This kind of garbage just really bugs the hell out of me.​

End of pissy rant,​

Careful now Dave, everyone will tell you how mean you are and give you neg reps for posts like this LOL. Aren't we supposed to lift all our Kenpo brethren and sisters these days instead of outing them for the hacks they are? BTW, wait till you see his video training series LOL.

DarK LorD

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