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Touchy, touchy. Humorostenes = the inventor of the first joke. All people, particularly martial artists, must be able to poke fun at the obvious, including their deepest passions. I've not been a stranger, either. My experiences, the men I've trained with (good and regretful) have been pasted all over in some form or another. And, in fact, have posted my name, number, and address on MartialTalk at different times for those interested in contacting me regarding items in conversation. Although I do like the term "keyboard kenpoist", I will allow the passage of time and history to determine the validity (or not) of my training, lineage, etc. (What's that great sig line under Mr. Conatser's posts?)

Do I train as regularly or vigorously as you? No. My obligations -- financial, temporal, relational and spiritual/philosophical -- have directed my attentions elsewhere for big chunks of time. The net result is that I'd be sucking wind less than a minute into any serious training session or dialogue. I do think it would be fun to hook up at some point in time; I'm in Monrovia most weekends, so we'll be close. Sundays are best for me.



PS -- not Spry. Definitely not Spry. And thanks for the typing compliment. Intermittent bouts of dyslexia make that very meaningful.
EKKS Video Forum...

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:52 pm

I ordered the tapes last week & just wanted to make a couple of comments. 1) Customer service was excellent.. Got the order in about a week, and no problems with ordering or the product... High 5 for customer service 2) Video content... Jam packed full of instruction.. There is no way you will get that much info for the price anywhere else.. The explanations are thorough, but not overdone to take up video space.. 3) Instructor.... 2 thumbs up to Mr Berry. He most certainly knows his stuff and is able to pass it along very smoothly and completely. All in all I am a well satisfied customer. Thanks again Dean www.kajukenbo-combatives.com

Posted in the EKKS New Rank Promotions

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:56 am

We would like to announce the promotion of Dean Goldade to the level of EKKS 1st Degree Black Belt and Junior Instructor in American Kenpo Karate! Junior Instructor Dean Goldade owns and operates a school in the state of Texas. Congratulations !

Michael Billings said:
Isn't Pat down in Huntington Beach also? (Pat Salantri)

Yep. Mr. Salantri is also teaching some weapons, technique and forms classes at Mr. Whites in Costa Mesa, which borders Huntington Beach. Has a knife seminar coming up that looks promising & quite interesting.


jbkenpo said:
EKKS Video Forum...

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 6:52 pm

... Thanks again Dean www.kajukenbo-combatives.com

...Posted in the EKKS New Rank Promotions

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:56 am

We would like to announce the promotion of Dean Goldade to the level of EKKS 1st Degree Black Belt and Junior Instructor in American Kenpo Karate! Junior Instructor Dean Goldade owns and operates a school in the state of Texas. Congratulations !

Subtract a couple days for shipping and unpacking, and I thnik we have a record time!

Mr. Salantri has been doing Pentjak Silat Serak with Victor de Thouars now for several years. His application of the techniques in Long Form 8 really rock. If you see him, tell him I said hello.

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Subtract a couple days for shipping and unpacking, and I thnik we have a record time!

Man, that was quick. Why did I take years when I could have done it in days? I was completely miss informed.
shane23ss said:
Man, that was quick. Why did I take years when I could have done it in days? I was completely miss informed.
You know what, this does look kinda funny.. But here is the scoop..

I was looking for some tapes on AK so I could learn more about the system. My intention was not, and is not to become an AK grandmaster via video. I just wanted to study the system for my own personal growth. I buy lots of videos to learn from, and this was no different.

I bought the EKKS videos because compared to the other videos out there, they were the lowest priced. For me they work o.k. I am looking more for movement and ideas on the AK principles and basics to incorporate into my existing training. Not to try to learn the whole AK system via video...

I think you would be really hard pressed to learn any forms past short 2 from a video anyway without an instructor to guide you... There is a lot going on there...

If you are looking to learn AK as taught my Mr Parker via video, you will be disappointed. But Mr Berry does let you know up front that he has modified his ciricullum from the web of knowledge listed in Infinite Insights.

As for the attaboy I wrote on his sight here is my experience with the EKKS
- Order arrived quickly
- Mr Berry and the EKKS were very cordial and helpful
- Everything with the order and shipment went smoothly
- There is a ton of material packed into 12 tapes.. Saves a lot of money vs buying 40 or so videos at $30 bucks a pop
- I was really interested in the basics.. I think the basics tapes are pretty good.
- Video quality is not professional quality ( but I knew these were not professional vidoes when I ordered. )

As a recommendation, before you buy any videos that are not professionally produced, talk to the person and understand what you are buying, before you buy it. I discussed the vidoes with Mr Berry before I bought them. I knew what I was buying, so I was not disappointed.. I knew they were home shot videos so there was no confusion on my part when I ordered. Some are pretty rough, but I knew what I was in for.

Again, if you are looking for the original requirements, or want to try to learn the complete system of AK as taught by Mr Parker thru video, I would recommend asking someone more knowledgeable on the subject to point you in the right direction. But personally I would say that Mr Tabatabai and Mr Tatum's tapes would be a good start.

As for the rank thing. Mr Berry gave me a "honorary or provisional" 1st degree BB based on my previous experience. He was giving me some credit for time in grade and on the mat. I appreciate his respect, but it is only a honorary rank.

I also study the IKCA and Tabatabai tapes to get a better understanding of Kenpo. My personal goal is to increase my knowledge, not my rank thru studying other systems and methods of martial arts.

I hold legit ranks higher than 1st BB.. I have no need or desire to hunt down rank via video. I study for knowledge not for rank.

As for owning and operating a school in Texas, that is true. But I teach Kajukenbo and the Filipino martial arts.

If I decide to study and rank up formally in AK, I will seek out one of the schools in the Austin area and do it that way. My first choice would be Mr Billings.

I run a full time school, and my nights are tied up. I have time to pop in a video during the day, and work the basics & techniques, and then work them on my BB's to try to make them work. I have a whole school full of training partners, so it is not too hard to find someone to practice with.

Like I said, for me it is just a way to learn concepts and principles and incorporate them into what I already do.

Thats about it...

Keep up the hard training.


I respect the fact that you have enough self-respect to post a response. To me it shows that you are probably a real kind of guy.

You know what, this does look kinda funny..
Uh, yep...
I was looking for some tapes on AK so I could learn more about the system. My intention was not, and is not to become an AK grandmaster via video. I just wanted to study the system for my own personal growth. I buy lots of videos to learn from, and this was no different.
Very fair, a lot of people do that...
I bought the EKKS videos because compared to the other videos out there, they were the lowest priced. For me they work o.k. I am looking more for movement and ideas on the AK principles and basics to incorporate into my existing training. Not to try to learn the whole AK system via video...
For me the issue is that the advertising is all IKKA, EPAK and the material isn't. So an unsuspecting, intellegent, experienced Black Belt from another system is led to believe that they got a good deal instead of that they got shammed. The principles presented a very basic and much of the inserted execution violates principles of the base system. Is that bad? Technically speaking yes, but to each his own. The issue is saying it is Ed Parker's American Kenpo. It isn't...Mr. Berry looks like a sharp, athletic guy, who has put time into his training, that's not in question either. It is content, and truth in advertising..
I think you would be really hard pressed to learn any forms past short 2 from a video anyway without an instructor to guide you... There is a lot going on there...
He modified the forms so they aren't really "the forms"..
If you are looking to learn AK as taught my Mr Parker via video, you will be disappointed.
On the video, yes...on the EBAY ads...NO...
- There is a ton of material packed into 12 tapes.. Saves a lot of money vs buying 40 or so videos at $30 bucks a pop
But you also might get what you pay for..The quality thing is a big deal for most, but as you said "you think the basics tapes are pretty good", but he is off on foot placement on 2 of the 3 stances he teachs on this for vid. If you cross reference against the infinite insights you'll see. So people are getting misinformation on the method of execution. That's bad...
As for the rank thing. Mr Berry gave me a "honorary or provisional" 1st degree BB based on my previous experience. He was giving me some credit for time in grade and on the mat. I appreciate his respect, but it is only a honorary rank.
Even then, previous experience doesn't equate to BB in American Kenpo. That's another bad habit of instructors, and yes our own Senior Grand Master set the tone for that to a degree. It does show a level of respect for you, but none for the system of American Kenpo. Particularly since I'm guessing you never had a chance to even train with him... :shrug:

Just my thoughts....

jbkenpo said:

I see where you are coming from. I am just stating why I ordered the tapes and gave the review I did. I am not a political guy, so I try to stay out of the debates over what is and isn't EPAK. That is better left to those who know better than I.

I respect you looking out for your art.. I am open to input any time. If you get to Austin, come by and I will be glad to take some AK pointers from you, and share my stuff with you.

We can talk about this more via email if you want.

Take care

JB actually get to Austin fairly frequently and trains down South with Brian Duffy (at least as of the last camp).

Mr Billings,

Are these camps open to anyone? I have met Mr Duffy 5 or 6 years ago when he was at his old location on Lamar. I used to teach a class out of Big Steve's gym before I moved up north. If you do any seminars or have weekend trainings that are open please keep me posted, I would like the opportunity to work with you if possible.

Take care

jbkenpo said:
For me the issue is that the advertising is all IKKA, EPAK and the material isn't. It is content, and truth in advertising...He modified the forms so they aren't really "the forms".. .On the video, yes...on the EBAY ads...NO...

Even then, previous experience doesn't equate to BB in American Kenpo. That's another bad habit of instructors, and yes our own Senior Grand Master set the tone for that to a degree. It does show a level of respect for you, but none for the system of American Kenpo. Particularly since I'm guessing you never had a chance to even train with him... :shrug: Just my thoughts....jb
Oss, Mr. Bugg!

Hello from Austin. Let me say that as a lower rank, I appreciate you & shane2ss & other Advanced ranks looking out for our Art. :asian: Having formerly trained in South Austin, I was taught from "Day 1" to be proud of my Kenpo lineages & to choose "quality over quantity." Also, having worked for an attorney whose specialty was "Deceptive Trade Practices" I am completely for 'Truth in Advertising' as well. :) However, with all due respect, it seems that from the tone of your post that yours & shane2ss's anger/frustration is really with Mr. Berry, not USKS1. From his post, USKS1 plainly stated that he is "looking more for movement and ideas on the AK principles and basics to incorporate into my existing training. Not to try to learn the whole AK system via video..." So, why are you attacking USKS1 for trying to increase his knowledge, broaden his horizons, etc. and for rank that it sounds like he didn't even ask for? :idunno: His professionalism & willingness to meet with you & get tips from you, IMHO, speaks for itself. :ultracool Ok, so he didn't study with Mr. Parker. Neither did I & a whole lot of other people. There are some Kenpo black belts whom I've gotten to know on MT who didn't study with Mr. Parker, but who are studying under HIS black belts (&/or their black belts), so....? Even though I haven't been in MA as long as you & most of the other people on this thread, I understand your frustration with rank being "handed out," the entire Kenpo system being sold on VHS/DVD, etc. No one denies that it's out there, being sold by God-only-knows-who.

Just some thoughts from a lower rank student who is always learning from my fellow martial artists....whatever system/rank they may be. And, though I'm sure USKS1 does not need me or anyone else to defend his choices, I wanted to put in my "two-cents" because his response to your attack struck me as being understanding, respectful, & patient. And hey, aren't we all students of the Art, no matter style/rank/system? If I've misinterpreted your post, please let me know.

Your Kenpo Sister,
Gin-Gin :asian:
USKS1 said:
jbkenpo said:

I see where you are coming from. I am just stating why I ordered the tapes and gave the review I did. I am not a political guy, so I try to stay out of the debates over what is and isn't EPAK. That is better left to those who know better than I.

I respect you looking out for your art.. I am open to input any time. If you get to Austin, come by and I will be glad to take some AK pointers from you, and share my stuff with you.

We can talk about this more via email if you want.

Take care


No worries my friend...

I appreciate the offer, I'll see what I can do to make that happen sometime this year. I'm a big fan of Hoch Hochheim, and I've heard of Grandmaster Max Pallen Sr, but haven't had the pleasure of training with him, and of course Kajukenbo is darn near one of our cousins, so I can benefit a lot from the meeting. But be warned I am by no means a source expert in Kenpo, I'm probably just one of the few that have had the opportunity to see the videos, so I'm commenting for the benefit of others.

jb :asian:

Atty? And able to logically summarize you stance into logical arguments? Hmmm. Might be too bad you live all the way in Texas (yes, I'm being lecherous).


Butt seriously, well said. I come from quality roots, that got shady, then jumped camp back to quality roots, so have seen a lot out there of what's good in the Hawaiian/Chinse/American kenpo/kempo arts, and what's not. I, too, appreciate the efforts to police kenpo, despite it's eventual futility (as long as there's an easy way out, most newbies will seek to take the path of least resistance...perhaps a few will sniff out quality instruction, but I fear it will become the exception, not the rule). What I appreciate more is USKS1 stepping up to the mat after being called out (indirectly). I had know idea that the "Dean" guy mentioned in the EKKS post was even on this forum (how's that for ignoring your homework?), and think/suspect few did. It took great courage and self-stance to step up and claim that space, and to defend it with the truth, then let the cards fall where they will.

Props to all y'all.

Hey Gin,

Uh yep...

You misunderstood the tone of my response, but my tone is my tone. My guess would be that if I were actually out of line or harsh an actual moderator would have commented. Remember this is a MARTIAL art, and we are talking content. I'm not on the mat being overly aggressive, I'm sitting here typing.

I try not attack people on the internet anymore. I find that cancelling their height, width and depth is darn near impossible.

Mr. Goldade's response was intellegent and thoughtful, so my goal was to say one doesn't know what is wrong with something if they don't know what they are looking for, or if they don't have a point of reference. He mentioned that he thought the basics video was pretty good, so I wanted to make that clear.

plainly stated that he is "looking more for movement and ideas on the AK principles and basics to incorporate into my existing training. Not to try to learn the whole AK system via video..." So, why are you attacking

Once again, I don't attack people on the internet, but away from the world of rank focused Dojo Kenpo, there are actually people out there that will hurt you.:btg: This man is learning some things that will get him hurt, so maybe I'm saving his life, or just his time. (but based on his experience and instructors I know he'd be able to decipher the real from the "what the heck is that?").

His professionalism & willingness to meet with you & get tips from you, IMHO, speaks for itself. :ultracool Ok, so he didn't study with Mr. Parker. Neither did I & a whole lot of other people. There are some Kenpo black belts whom I've gotten to know on MT who didn't study with Mr. Parker, but who are studying under HIS black belts (&/or their black belts), so....? Even though I haven't been in MA as long as you & most of the other people on this thread,

I won't apologize for not sp**ning him before I said what I felt. I'm a grown man, and so is he, and he took the comments in the spirt in which they were written, with no personal attacks toward him. As Mr. Planas says, "You don't have to study with Libarachi to learn how to play the piano." So the whole, "didn't study with Parker isn't an issue with me".

I understand your frustration with rank being "handed out," the entire Kenpo system being sold on VHS/DVD, etc. No one denies that it's out there, being sold by God-only-knows-who.

Obviously you don't (well, maybe you do :) , but..)....Whenever anything is handed out, there has to be someone to accept it. He cleared that up..

Did I ever say using modern technology (VHS/DVD) to share the system was a bad thing?

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Gin-Gin: Atty? And able to logically summarize you stance into logical arguments? Hmmm. Might be too bad you live all the way in Texas (yes, I'm being lecherous). Dave.
Thanks Dr. Dave, but I'm not an attorney--just worked for one for 2 yrs. Thanks for the compliment. :)

Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
I too, appreciate the efforts to police kenpo, despite it's eventual futility (as long as there's an easy way out, most newbies will seek to take the path of least resistance...perhaps a few will sniff out quality instruction, but I fear it will become the exception, not the rule).
Unfortunately, you may be right Sir. Only time will tell.
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
What I appreciate more is USKS1 stepping up to the mat after being called out (indirectly). I had know idea that the "Dean" guy mentioned in the EKKS post was even on this forum, and think/suspect few did. It took great courage and self-stance to step up and claim that space, and to defend it with the truth, then let the cards fall where they will.
I agree completely. :D
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Props to all y'all.
And to you too, Sir. :asian:
jbkenpo said:
Hey Gin, You misunderstood the tone of my response, but my tone is my tone. My guess would be that if I were actually out of line or harsh an actual moderator would have commented. Remember this is a MARTIAL art, and we are talking content. I'm not on the mat being overly aggressive, I'm sitting here typing.
I apologize for misinterpreting the spirit of your post, Sir. Thanks for letting me know. I know I'm not a moderator, nor was I trying to be one. Sorry if it looked that way. :asian:
jbkenpo said:
Mr. Goldade's response was intellegent and thoughtful, so my goal was to say one doesn't know what is wrong with something if they don't know what they are looking for, or if they don't have a point of reference. He mentioned that he thought the basics video was pretty good, so I wanted to make that clear.
Ok - fair enough. I haven't seen the videos in question, nor am I high ranking enough to disagree with you on that aspect, even if I had seen them.
jbkenpo said:
Once again, I don't attack people on the internet, but away from the world of rank focused Dojo Kenpo, there are actually people out there that will hurt you.:btg:
I know, Sir--I was attacked twice before I started Kenpo, so I agree with you completely! :ultracool
jbkenpo said:
This man is learning some things that will get him hurt, so maybe I'm saving his life, or just his time (but based on his experience and instructors I know he'd be able to decipher the real from the "what the heck is that?").
jbkenpo said:
I won't apologize for not sp**ning him before I said what I felt. I'm a grown man, and so is he, and he took the comments in the spirit in which they were written, with no personal attacks toward him. As Mr. Planas says, "You don't have to study with Libarachi to learn how to play the piano." So the whole, "didn't study with Parker isn't an issue with me."
I don't remember asking you to apologize for anythig, Sir--just for clarification. And, if the "didn't study with Mr. Parker" thing wasn't an issue, why did you say it? :idunno:
jbkenpo said:
Obviously you don't (well, maybe you do :) , but..)....Whenever anything is handed out, there has to be someone to accept it. He cleared that up..
I'm not sure what you're referring to here... :idunno:
jbkenpo said:
Did I ever say using modern technology (VHS/DVD) to share the system was a bad thing?
No, and I never said that you did. I merely listed people making videos/DVD and selling them (sometimes in exchange for rank) as one of the common frustrations that I've heard from fellow Kenpoists over the short time that I've been studying--I was being symphathetic & was trying to show that I understood the source of your frustration (or misinterpreted frustration, as it turned out to be).

No worries--have a great day! :)
WOW! I think this may have gotten blown WAY out of proportion. To answer your comment Gin Gin and any one elses, my comment was meant completely as a joke to what Kembudo had said. I have never seen any EKKS tapes nor any tapes from anywhere else. By no means was I trying to disrespect any one. Dean being a 5th dan gives me no reason to believe he could not benefit from viewing any one's tapes, good or bad. He is more than capable of seeing which is which. My view on the whole video situation is I beleive they should be used in a way such as Dean has used them, as reference material. After looking back at my time on the mat in the dojo, I have a hard time believing some one could learn Kenpo through video, not to say that Dean was attempting to do that. I personally would never create a video series for the purpose of promotions, although I have recorded myself several times in the past for my own personal reference. To sum it up, by no means was I attempting to offend or be "frustrated/angery" with any one. I have been in Kenpo long enough to know I am only partially through this journey and have a long way to go. Also, I have never trained with SGM Parker, I have never met him either. (Not sure where the comments about that came from). That is my loss, I depend on reading his writings and the writings of others such as GoldenDragon7 and Doc Chapel to try and understand his philosphy.

With complete respect to my Kenpo (in any form) brothers and sisters,
shane23ss said:
WOW! I think this may have gotten blown WAY out of proportion. To answer your comment Gin Gin and any one elses, my comment was meant completely as a joke to what Kembudo had said.
Sorry that I misinterpreted your post too, Sir. Maybe it was just semantics-- people's attitudes come across differently in their written work than if the conversation were face-to-face (IMO). Everybody have a great weekend! :)

Gin-Gin :asian:

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