Effects of LSD

Isn't coffee a conferance approved drug? I like it when someone announces they have relapsed and are back and money exchanges hands under the tables.
Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon. I don't recall off hand who the UofT sniper was.

Charles Whitman.

There was no evidence that Whitman had anything wrong with him, other than a post mortem brain tumor. It was never determined whether that actually could have effected him, as he was cremated.

I doubt he was on acid, or a victim of same. Same with Chapman. I hadn't read that either was on the drug or did it to any great extent.


Could he have achieved the accuracy that he had with LSD pumping through him? I've never used the stuff so I really don't know.

I doubt it.

In any case, I have NEVER heard that he used LSD. I remember when that happened. Nobody talked about LSD. They mentioned the tumor, but it was inconclusive.

Unless somebody provides me with something that strongly indicates Whitman was on LSD, then I'll dismiss it as an urban myth.


Me thinks someone has seen conspiracy theory too many times. Repeat after me: it was just a movie.
Originally posted by theletch1
Could he have achieved the accuracy that he had with LSD pumping through him? I've never used the stuff so I really don't know.
I have seen people do impressive physical while tripping on acid. I have seen people who weren't dart players hit three consecutive corks. I've seen people perform feats that require great balance and concentration. So its possible that a sniper might be able to function. Though the uncertainty would make it likely that they would try to. LSD isn't like alcohol on that it automatically impairs coordination and concentration. If someone has some experience with it or the right type of mind, the effects can be just the opposite in some cases.
Screw dropping LSD on the enemy. I say we collect the nation's soiled diapers and drop them out of b-52s on te enemy's population centers. It probably defies the geneva convention, but I bet it'd produce results real fast.

I wish I could remember the name, but I've heard a major-league pitcher once threw a perfect game on LSD.
So its possible that a sniper might be able to function.

Perhaps...but one can't assume Whitman was on acid. I've never heard anything to that nature until reading it on this forum. Anybody have any information on this?


Originally posted by hardheadjarhead
Charles Whitman.
There was no evidence that Whitman had anything wrong with him, other than a post mortem brain tumor. It was never determined whether that actually could have effected him, as he was cremated.
I doubt he was on acid, or a victim of same. Same with Chapman. I hadn't read that either was on the drug or did it to any great extent.

Ah WHITMAN! Well any rate my source of his being high on Amphetamines (not acid-heroin-or anything else) comes from a radio talk show (yes, yes, I know, only take THOSE things with a grain of salt) that said when the Freedom of Information Act came out (back when?) it was found that the Texas Grand Jury had done an autopsy and a check on Whitman and found the info that I stated earlier (scroll up folks). The information was sealed and of course he was cremated...

If this info IS available via the F.I.A. then it may be worth looking into.

Whitman might have indeed used speed...I don't recall exactly. That's a far cry from LSD, however, and I doubt it would have caused him to "Go Postal."

He was probably paranoid...felt the world was out to get him. That seems to be the major psychological glitch in the mind of perpetrators of mass killings.


Speed/methamphetamines do not (usually) cause psychosis but since the mind/body is so ~wired!~ there is a good loss of coherient thought.
Whitman's wife and mother were found shot to death when they searched his home, coroner's report indicated that they were killed the night before his rampage.
And again Whitman was known to have participated in experimental drug testing on campus sponsored by the government....
Meth again I say does not (usually) cause psychosis but it can attribute to increase of the disorder... that's why it's called SPEED... heh...
Originally posted by hardheadjarhead
Where'd you get this?

About a year ago a friend of mine had ordered from a local (Salt Lake City) radio station a tape of an interview with a doctor who was speaking about/against perscription drug abuse.
Forgive me that I forget the guest's name, but I do have a copy of the tape itself (somewhere buried in storage).
But the man did state that it can be found on the "freedom of information act" presumably there's a website (google it dude!) which will give that information.

Disclaimer (and you can roll your eyes at me if ya like;) ): I take (and give) this info with a grain of salt.
You're right about his use of speed.

Did a Google search, and couldn't find anything linking LSD and Whitman. The search was complicated by the fact that the year he did his killing spree LSD was outlawed in California.

He was abusing dexedrine. He also had a history of family violence, his father having beaten him and his mother quite badly.

He had very low self esteem, didn't accomplish what he set out to do, and had a streak of violence himself. He was in counseling for his seething anger. He had talked of fantasies about shooting people from the Texas Tower.

He planned the event in detail, purchasing equipment for it well in advance. He left specific letters requesting an autopsy be done upon him to determine why he was behaving so badly. He also left letters to his family members dictating what was to be done with his property, his dog, etc.

This was a disturbed individual...not a guy using acid. The dexedrine might indeed have helped send him over the edge. It looks like probably would have ended up there anyway.

A good account found here:


Fascinating story. But disturbing. I remember the event. I was nine at the time. That was about the time I started reading the newspaper.

Speed/methamphetamines do not (usually) cause psychosis

About a third of heavy users do. The psychosis can last for weeks. A Google on that turned up all sorts of hits.

Some stuff on meth psychosis:





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