Ee dan bo, 6 months to Ee dan


Senior Master
My daughter and I tested yesterday. My daughter passed her 1st gup test and I passed my last 1st dan test. In 6 months (October) we'll test for 1st and 2nd dan respectively.

grats on passing your test.

6 months between 1st Dan and 2nd Dan?

wow, it is 2 YEARS most places.

It's been almost three years since my 1st dan test. 6 months is just the tiem form the last interim test and the actual Ee dan test.

oh, that makes sense i guess. wait, no it doesnt.

you test 3 years ago for your first, and you just had to take a test to see if you were ready to test for 2nd?

I am confused..
Not quite. In our school....there is a set curriculum, similar to what exists in msot schools for the gup ranks. So, after your 1st dan, there a 8 what we call "season" tests...Srping 1, spring2, summer 1, etc. These provide new material to learn after 1st dan and a bit of a roadmap to training as well. There are another 8 tests bewteen 2nd and 3rd as well. No set curriculum for 3rd to 4th at the moment though.

took me 2 days to grasp the message... I am slow some times....I am blaming the pollen for it! ;)

Gratz! (double gratz on the family outing!)

At first I thought I had your time frame beat, but I guess going from L1 to L4, with 4 month in between, I am looking at a year (but that's math, I try to stay away from before morning coffee!) LOL

Keep it up!
Looking back on the original message, I wasn't cealr...totally my fault. I've been fighting a cold and fever and I suppose not thinking nor typing clearly.

Looking back on the original message, I wasn't cealr...totally my fault. I've been fighting a cold and fever and I suppose not thinking nor typing clearly.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, too bad, to slow minds meet in the fog... that would have been that comedy skid, the slow motion fight....ever seen it?
Great job.

And one question: Are there those "season" tests for every belt or only for higher ups? And do you do those "season" tests even if you are not going to get new belt in near future?
season tests.

ok, i can wrap my head around that. Do they have a cost associated with them?

Not quite. In our school....there is a set curriculum, similar to what exists in msot schools for the gup ranks. So, after your 1st dan, there a 8 what we call "season" tests...Srping 1, spring2, summer 1, etc. These provide new material to learn after 1st dan and a bit of a roadmap to training as well. There are another 8 tests bewteen 2nd and 3rd as well. No set curriculum for 3rd to 4th at the moment though.

TF, yes, there is typically a fee associated with all belt tests (even the high level tests. To cover costs of brining in testing boards from other school, rent, heat, etc. However, my instructor no longer cahrges myself or my family tuition or fees in recognition of all the time we've trained, taught, helped out over the years. The only thing I'll have to pay for are Dan tests

Korppi, the season tests are just for folks progressing from 1st dan to second dan. There are "element" tests (earth, fire, water, etc) going from 2nd to third.

Thanks for information.

I first thought that you have one test per season that only helps you to check how you have advanced or something like that.

So it is like your belt test is divided to parts?
Korppi, the season tests are just for folks progressing from 1st dan to second dan. There are "element" tests (earth, fire, water, etc) going from 2nd to third.


I know I've been out of the game for a while (but have just jumped back in), but when did TKD (or any Korean MA) start using the Elements of Creation/Destruction??
Corgratulations on your successes. I hope the best for you.

I personally am not a fan of the multiple tests before a dan grading, at least not when they are a cost to the student. I understand the instructor's want to grade the student as they progress in the curriculum, but that can be done sans test fees.

I'm not trying to knock your instructor, though. You're school has a set system and to that you are bound. I hope the curriculum is working well for you and you are getting excited for your 2nd dan grading!
Thanks for information.

I first thought that you have one test per season that only helps you to check how you have advanced or something like that.

So it is like your belt test is divided to parts?

Not exactly. The Dan tests are stand alone tests. These are harder equivalents to gup tests. The dan test will then look at how well the advanced skills ahve been learned, incorporated with the fuindamental skills learned in the gup ranks, etc.

I know I've been out of the game for a while (but have just jumped back in), but when did TKD (or any Korean MA) start using the Elements of Creation/Destruction??

I'll admit my knowledge of Korean culture (beyond TKD) is quite limited. However, it is my understanding that the 8Teaguk poomse are all related to various elements (Oh Jang is earth for example, Sah Jang is wind...I think). In any event, I believe that's where the test names were derived.

As to the test fee thing...I get it...he could do it for free (well, for me he does, and I know of a few other cases of people/families on shcolarship). However, he needs to run a business too. We're in a large building...lots of space to train, but that comes with a big rent and huge heating bills. We're not the cheapest school in town, but we're equitable with the other big TKD schools. He doesn't do all the clubs with extra fees, no contracts. All the costs are pretty m,uch up front so I don't see any nickle and diming going on.

Also, this is his sole business, so he has to cover his own health insurance, college tuition for his one daughter, etc. He's not poor...Upper middle class lifestyle. I suppose it would be more fitting if he lived more simply...but he doesn't. He's a good guy. He runs a good program. He's not greedy. I've got no complaints.


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