EDC Knife Seminar in Michigan!


Thought I'd post this...

TEG Corporation presents...

EDC knife Seminar

“EDC” Stand for “Every Day Carry,” or a knife that you would carry on a daily basis. The knife is the oldest tool known to mankind, yet it remains the most effective option for a self-defense tool. If your life is in danger, the knife can be your best friend. However, it can also be your enemy in court if the tool is not used in a legal manner. This seminar, taught by Master of Defense and knife aficionado Paul Janulis, will cover what you need to know if you want to carry a knife for self-protection. Paul will take you through knife tactics that require very little training to use. After this seminar YOU can be confident that, YOU can protect yourself. Although Paul is not an attorney and this seminar does not constitute legal advice, Paul will cover the practical legal aspects involved with carrying a blade, so that you are also armed with the knowledge to not become a victim in the courtroom. Highly recommended for women and people with high risk lifestyles. Non-martial artists as well as martial artists welcome.

Date/Time: September 19, 2004; noon-3:30
Location: Superkicks for America
105 Main St.
Rochester, MI 48307
Cost: Pre-register - $40; $50 at the door.
Spaces limitedÂ…register now!!
Contact: Paul Janulis; 248-722-1634 www.geocities.com/paul_janulis/Home.html

**Very Important! Bring your own Live EDC, or live blade that you would carry on you daily. We will be training with the live blade, and live blades will NOT be provided for you. If you donÂ’t own a blade, any single-handed opening folding knife from Wal-Mart, K-Mart, or a Sporting Goods store will do. Please call Paul for further suggestions!**
Live blades, eh Paul? Rock on buddy.

Anyone who can make this seminar ought to make every effort. Paul has trained extensively with some of the most talented people to grace the face of this earth. If anyone can show you effective ways to weild your steel down there in Rochester, Paul is that man.

Sorry Paul, can't make this trek, but happy training!
flatlander said:
Live blades, eh Paul? Rock on buddy.

Anyone who can make this seminar ought to make every effort. Paul has trained extensively with some of the most talented people to grace the face of this earth. If anyone can show you effective ways to weild your steel down there in Rochester, Paul is that man.

Sorry Paul, can't make this trek, but happy training!

Thanks flatlander! Sorry for the late response on this one...

Finally, a detailed review from my E-zine...


EDC Knife seminar review

On 9/19/04 TEG corporation had its first self-defense related seminar, the EDC (every day carry) knife seminar. All and all, I would say that this seminar was a great success. This was officially the first Paul Janulis/TEG corp. seminar, but rest assured you can count on many more in the near future. For point of reference, I will give you a synopsis of TEG Corp. and the Tulisan Eskrima Gild. Then I will provide a detailed review. If you were unable to attend this even, I hope to see you in the future!

What is TEG Corporation?

TEG Corporation is a defense instruction company. Our goal is to maintain the highest caliber of defense training and services. Our main focus is private programs and seminars where we tailor defensive tactical solutions for the needs of our clients. Our clientele can range from operators (military, law enforcement, and security professionals) to executive and women’s self-defense instruction. When a seminar says, “Presented by TEG Corp.,” you can be assured that the seminar will be more oriented towards self-defense training rather then being “martial art” specific.

What is Tulisan Eskrima Gild?

The Gild goes beyond defense instruction. The Gild is dedicated to the continuous process of combative and martial craft education. Our goal for Gild members is to better oneself through the martial craft. With this, we have instructor certification programs and private programs. The difference between The Gild and TEG Corp. is that The Gild is more martial craft specific rather then “defense or self-defense” specific. So when a seminar says, “Presented by the Tulisan Eskrima Gild” you can be assured that the seminar will be more “martial art” related rather then simple self-defense or “job” related (in the case of operators).

Relationships with other “martial arts” and ‘defense service” groups…

The Corp. and The Gild both do not lay claims to anyone else’s martial art, and intends to uphold the utmost professionalism in the industry. To use a concrete example of not laying claims to another “art”, Lets examine the art of Modern Arnis. Although I personally am and always will be a student of this art, we are not a “Modern Arnis” group. Modern Arnis was the late Professor Remy Presas’ art, which is now being propagated by other instructors and organizations, many who are senior to me and doing a wonderful job. So, it is not a conflict of interest for The Gild or The Corp. to sponsor, endorse, or work with other groups, whether “Modern Arnis” or anyone else. In fact, we desire to work with many groups and members of groups that maintain their integrity and good business standards and practices. A concrete example of this would be my relationship to the WMAA, Datu Tim Hartman’s Modern Arnis organization. The WMAA has maintained integrity and good business practices towards me and my people, therefore I welcome the relationship that I have with that organization and I intend to help that organization grow, just as I get support from the WMAA and its members with my efforts. So this is a mutually beneficial relationship of helping one another, with no conflicts of interest or “dirty” competition. I intend to maintain that relationship, and build other similar relationships with other martial arts and defense service groups as well.

Now that we’ve cleared up “who” we are and our goals, here is our 1st seminar review…

This turned out wonderfully for a 1st event. The first hour or so was lecture. I provided university research on the blade, including actual studies, forensic science, hospital reports, and court cases. This would include the psychological aspects of the blade, or lethal force, and the legal aspects as well. If you are going to carry a blade for utility, and as a back up for self-defense, you must know both the psychological and legal aspects that go with the package. This was a highly useful and inseparable portion of the seminar. Ironically, during the week after my seminar I turned on court TV to find that they have been covering the Pring-Wilson case of an Ivy League student who used his tactical folder in a stabbing. Many of the legal issues I addressed have been coming up during this case: http://courttv.com/trials/pring-wilson/index.html . I expect more to follow.

The next hour and a half was spent on drawing your blade, and cutting drills with a live blade on cardboard targets. We covered the importance of drawing practice, scenarios, and we learned the capabilities and dynamics of the blade through cutting the actual targets. We practiced cutting in a manner that would benefit us the most not just for self-protection, but for overcoming psychological aversion, and for overcoming legal consequence as well. I believe that it is important to avoid being victimized a second time in the courtroom. A fun feature of this portion included a knife opening demonstration by special guest and Tulisan Eskrima Gild Journeyman Chris Fisk, who brought his large collection of blades for us all to see.

During the next hour, we did partner work using very small non-sharp training implements to simulate the blade. I emphasis “small” here because although a 6” training blade may be useful for martial arts training, we wanted to simulate the size of your actual EDC, which should be within the legal limits of your state. The partner work ranged from standing to clinch and ground scenarios.

The next ½ hour was spent on a self-defense simulation drill with the use of the live blade again, a dummy pad, and an “EXIT” sign. We simulated self defense scenario’s where the attacker has the “drop” on you and you have to deploy your weapon and find the exit as quickly and efficiently as possible. This drill is designed to give you the “adrenaline dump” that will occur in the chaos of a real self-defense situation.

By the end of the seminar, the attendants were confident that they could defend themselves if needed with their every day carry knives. Everyone walked away with some new knowledge, including me. And that, friends, is all one could ask for.

Special thanks to Journeyman Chris Fisk, and Master Rich Parsons from FMAC flint for attending and helping with the event.

Look for more events to follow. We will have a repeat and expansion of this event before Christmas, as well as other events, so stay tuned!

Thanks for your support,

Paul Janulis
Master of Defense
TEG Corp. President

Thanks again! :ultracool

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