Ed Parker Jr. names his father's successor: GM Michael Pick !!!

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Mike's accomplishments stand alone and do not have to be hyped by an overzealous newly promoted student perhaps with his own agenda who "honestly mistook" the word "Bull for "successor."

well, it won't be the first time an over zealous newly promoted student took to the forums to announce the second coming :) ... we've all witnessed in the past others get that treatment.

the facts remain that it is of little import these days to make this type of claim. a succession would entail something to succeed to as in office, or position. Ed Parker's IKKA has long folded leaving nothing really for a successor to take over.

the kenpo world is now a marketplace for many different versions and methods and it's up to the consumer to decide which of these products best fits their likes/dislikes as well as schedules and pocketbooks.
well, it won't be the first time an over zealous newly promoted student took to the forums to announce the second coming :) ... we've all witnessed in the past others get that treatment.

the facts remain that it is of little import these days to make this type of claim. a succession would entail something to succeed to as in office, or position. Ed Parker's IKKA has long folded leaving nothing really for a successor to take over.

the kenpo world is now a marketplace for many different versions and methods and it's up to the consumer to decide which of these products best fits their likes/dislikes as well as schedules and pocketbooks.

Very very very well said. :asian:
My question is why does there have to be a successor. You train in your system and you should be happy with it, if not try something else.
My question is why does there have to be a successor. You train in your system and you should be happy with it, if not try something else.

That's pretty much it, Kenpotroop. There doesn't have to be a successor. There is story that's gone around, when SGM Parker was alive, he was teaching a seminar. Someone asked him who was going to succeed him when he passed on. SGM Parker's answer was "All of you." :)
Hey there Doc
Funny you mention about over-zealous as you were so eager to jump some rank from 7th Degree to 10 th Degree...but then who am I to say anything?
Since your on the subject of rank....my rank was from people with strong Lineage to the "Old Man" and with that I'm honored.
The topic with the Successor of Ed Parker is one I will not indulge in as I promised to let it go by Ed Parker jr,and it doesn't surprise me in the least to see that you went on the run to call him to put in your 2 cents of great concern as it might put a dent in your own ego.
Sir, we have never had a formal introduction one on one but I have witnessed your professional manners on 2 occassions and I hope your vulgar ways in a public arena have gotten better?
I believe everyone who worked with the "Old Man" have worth but nobody
needs to force it on someone to win there approval....
Sorry for not being on your popular list but I didn't appreciate the over zealous comment since you don't even know my character as a person....good day!
Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

- Hand Sword -
-MT Moderator-
Hey there Doc
Funny you mention about over-zealous as you were so eager to jump some rank from 7th Degree to 10 th Degree...but then who am I to say anything?
Mr Kelly. The 10th degree was awarded by an outside institution. In specific, ATAMA. From the website: Dr. Chapél has been awarded his 8th, 9th, and 10th degree rankings by ATAMA, The prestigious American Teachers Association of the Martial Arts. Founded by Martial Art great Shaolin Kenpo Grandmaster Ralph Castro, Raymond "Duke" Moore, along with Wa Do Ki Kai Grandmaster John Pereira

He didn't jump. He was awarded the degrees over time. There is a difference between being awarded a degree and claiming one.

Since your on the subject of rank....my rank was from people with strong Lineage to the "Old Man" and with that I'm honored.
No one disputed your rank.

The topic with the Successor of Ed Parker is one I will not indulge in as I promised to let it go by Ed Parker jr,and it doesn't surprise me in the least to see that you went on the run to call him to put in your 2 cents of great concern as it might put a dent in your own ego.
I doubt he ran to call him.

Sir, we have never had a formal introduction one on one but I have witnessed your professional manners on 2 occassions and I hope your vulgar ways in a public arena have gotten better?
But questioning various peoples lineage and asserting they are liars is ok? I've seen you participate in more than a few character assasinations. Mr Kelly, if Doc's behavior is vulgar, then what is yours?

I believe everyone who worked with the "Old Man" have worth but nobody
needs to force it on someone to win there approval....
I don't understand this comment.

Sorry for not being on your popular list but I didn't appreciate the over zealouscomment since you don't even know my character as a person....good day!
Being over zealous is not a bad thing. It shows passion and motivation. However, sometimes it can be clouded. It's great that you are passionate, but when people make false statements it irritates some of the more senior people. Doc is simply the most vocal, much as you are vocal. How many times have you known about someone who jumped rank and you thought, "He shouldn't be able to do that." Well, from Doc's perspective (he was there) Mr. Pick did just that. Along with the whole successor comment (which has been tried before), it tipped the scales of irritation I suppose.
The topic with the Successor of Ed Parker is one I will not indulge in

It is, however, the topic of the thread...and up till now we've had some rather interesting commentary about GM Mike Pick and whether SGM Parker truly has, or needs, a successor.
I have a great idea. From now on, any disputes reagrding rank, politics, statements made, or any other Kenpo shadyness should be handled by a kumite involving the disputing parties. Full-contact, with few rules, waivers signed and free to the whole Kenpo community.

It could be held in Pasadena CA, I could be an announcer, we might even be able to get it on TV.

If this is how it went down, I'd be willing to bet, we would see a lot less BS in Kenpo
I have a great idea. From now on, any disputes reagrding rank, politics, statements made, or any other Kenpo shadyness should be handled by a kumite involving the disputing parties. Full-contact, with few rules, waivers signed and free to the whole Kenpo community.

It could be held in Pasadena CA, I could be an announcer, we might even be able to get it on TV.

If this is how it went down, I'd be willing to bet, we would see a lot less BS in Kenpo

LOL.... so true. Kumite! Brings back Jean Claude memories...
LOL.... so true. Kumite! Brings back Jean Claude memories...

LOL! Now I have the Bloodsport theme going through my head...

"Kumite...kumite...kumite..." :rofl:
Greetings, I'd like to offer something here, but its a rather daunting task to "describe one's kenpo", as I'm sure you can imagine. I actually started to, made it through two paragraphs, then realized I'd be glued to the chair for a while. So I looked at it, scratched my head, winced, then erased it all.

But a few topics that seem stand out to others are as follows, in no particular order.

1) The use of 12 Points of Consideration.
2) The system is Set-based, not technique-based.
3) The emphasis on mass enagement
4) Its use of the knife.
5) The systematic development of sponteneity.
6) Its emphasis on multiple assailants.
7) Its application in the military.
8) Its departure from some of Ed Parker's terminology.
9) Its tremendously handsome blue belts

Ok, so maybe #9 doesn't stand out, LOL, but nevertheless the rest of the topics are some of the things that others have noticed, asked about, and of which there have been subsequent discussions on this and other forums through the years. I'm more inclined to do a search for you rather than try to regurgitate (sp) some of it, depending on what you're curious about. But in the end, I can only get across so much given the written word.


Steven Brown
Universal Kenpo Federation

Thanks! :) You're right, it is a daunting task and I suppose the best way to really get a solid impression of something is to see it live, where you can form your own opinion. :) I wouldn't mind attending a seminar, if there was ever one in my area. Then again, I could always add Mr. Pick to my list of Kenpoists I need to travel to see. I need to plan a trip to Ca. Not only to see the state, but I'd like to see Doc!:ultracool I heard that he likes the Chinese Buffet, so we already have one thing in common!!:ultracool
So, what exactly determines having the "S" word given to you? Perhaps we can lead this discussion in that direction for a moment. Would it be the amount of time spent with Mr. Parker? Would it be how similar one moves? Would it be the understanding of the art?

A successor to what exactly? Most everyone who trained directly under Parker created their own org/fed/etc. Seems like after Mr. Parker passed, there was no fed (IKKA) left to pass on so everyone went and made up their own thing, including Mr. Pick, no? I think Leilani took it over for a while but it fizzled out.

Seems most groups do practice and teach the art their own way now since there is no unifying core left to pass on. I think as long as our lineage goes back to Mr. Parker, like mentioned above, we all are.

I do recall an article/interview with Richard "Huk" Planas being named as the possible "heir." Black Belt does not list it any longer, but some of you may remember: http://members.aol.com/DrLenKenpo/Director.htm
Mr Kelley. The 10th degree was awarded by an outside institution. In specific, ATAMA. From the website: Dr. Chapél has been awarded his 8th, 9th, and 10th degree rankings by ATAMA, The prestigious American Teachers Association of the Martial Arts. Founded by Martial Art great Shaolin Kenpo Grandmaster Ralph Castro, Raymond "Duke" Moore, along with Wa Do Ki Kai Grandmaster John Pereira...........

Beat me to it.
The "successor" claim is the most laughable topic ever. I've heard so much on this topic it gets a little tired at times.

--Tatum is the successor because he was the "key" protege
--Palanzo and Tom Kelly are the successor's because they were proteges and Tatum and Parker had a fall out
--Huk Planas is the successor because he helped develop much of the system along with Mr. Parker and Mr. Tom Kelly.
--Frank Trejo is the successor because he excelled at forms and fighting
--Mr. Trejo can't be the successor because he was Mr. Planas' brown belt along with Mr. Tatum at one point.
--"Huk" can't be the successor because he was predated and taught by Mr. Labounty
--Mr. Mills is the successor because he was Mr. Parker's "secret weapon" the "smiling guillotine" during those frequent trips to Wyoming
--Mr. Mills can't be the successor because he is doing his own system
--Doc is the successor because he has been around the "longest"
--Doc can't be the successor because he is doing his own thing
--Ed Parker, Jr. is the successor because he is Mr. Parker's son
--Ed Parker, Jr. can't be the successor because he isn't a black belt
--Ed Parker, Jr. is now a black belt
--Ed Parker, Jr. is a black belt now but isn't "senior" enough
-- Mike Pick is the successor because Mr. Parker promoted him with his own belt.
--Mr. Pick can't be the successor because he wasn't even the most senior or highest ranked when Mr. Parker died
--Jim Mitchell is the successor because he was chosen to video tape the entire system for Mr. Parker.
--Jim Mitchell can't be the successor for the same reason as Mr. Pick
--The successor has to be doing Kenpo EXACTLY as Mr. Parker left it
--Mr. Pick is doing his own thing as are Doc and Mr. Mills so they are out.
--Mr. Labounty is doing his own thing.
--Mr. Palanzo and Mr. Kelly just revised how they are delivering the system
--Mr. Planas is teaching "old" kenpo one minute and then the next minute is adding filipino influences (which is it? can't be both). So his kenpo is either too old or too new to be the successor.
--Ed Parker, Jr. is content to be a part of the Kenpo Community as a WHOLE
--Mr. Conatser is the successor because Doc says he knows the written material better than anyone
--Mr. Conatser can't be it based on Doc's vote because there is no "proof" Doc trained with Mr. Parker.
--Pictures in infinite "insights" and video in "sophisticated basics" doesn't count
--Chuck Sullivan can't be the successor for the afore-mentioned, changed the system rule.
--How come Mr. Bob White's name never comes up? He was a 7th as well during the time of Mr. Parker's passing.
--Mr. Pick developed the Kenpo Knife material with Mr. Parker along with Forms 9 and 10.
--That can't be entirely true because Mr. Parker developed the knife material with Mr. Mills
--Both are irrelevant as the knife material was not in infinite insights and therefore never existed.
--therefore neither did Sub-Level 4
--If it wasn't in Infinite Insights it's not valid so any one doing "new" takes on kenpo or system modifications are not valid as successors.
--Therefore no SL-4, 16 tech system, Kenpo Knifes, Karambits, etc. count.
--Therefore everyone who was a 7th at the time of Mr. Parker's passing (and the one's who weren't) are discounted.
--Conclusion: All Seniors are invalidated for multiple reasons. No successor available....until someone else (or the same usual suspects again) decides that whoever they are under THIS YEAR is NOW the successor. And the cycle repeats itself.
Hey there Doc
Funny you mention about over-zealous as you were so eager to jump some rank from 7th Degree to 10 th Degree...but then who am I to say anything?
Since your on the subject of rank....my rank was from people with strong Lineage to the "Old Man" and with that I'm honored.
The topic with the Successor of Ed Parker is one I will not indulge in as I promised to let it go by Ed Parker jr,and it doesn't surprise me in the least to see that you went on the run to call him to put in your 2 cents of great concern as it might put a dent in your own ego.
Sir, we have never had a formal introduction one on one but I have witnessed your professional manners on 2 occassions and I hope your vulgar ways in a public arena have gotten better?
I believe everyone who worked with the "Old Man" have worth but nobody
needs to force it on someone to win there approval....
Sorry for not being on your popular list but I didn't appreciate the over zealous comment since you don't even know my character as a person....good day!

In general, Mr. Kelley, it is considered poor form to derogatorily accuse another of being an elephant while your own trunk is dangling in the way. To decry what you percieve as an unkind accusation with yet another unkind accusation is...shall we say, "small".

To wit: You make an assesment of Doc's character based on previous internet postings, then deride his ability to scry your character in the same manner.

And while someone must eventually be willing to provide advancement in kenpo in these days after 1990, you again deride Mr. Chapel's current rank as not being provided by the old man, while taking pride in yours...also not provided by the old man. And, as I'm sure you know, whereas your 7th was acknowledged by people in tight with Mr. Parker, Mr. Chapel's 7th was FROM Mr. Parker. Many years ago. Many ACTIVE years ago.

I believe Bode responded sufficiently to the details; I just wanted to address the irony in the tone.


Dave Crouch, DC

As an aside: Larger print is often considered "screaming" in online culture. The natural font for this forum is Verdana, 2 point.
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