Ed Parker Books.....

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I could deliver EP books in the C machine!

Now that is a thought!


Let's not forget your "Kenpo Tools" book that you've been promising us!:soapbox:
Yesterday, Tess and I decided to get out of the house and do something relaxing, for a change. We decided to go yard saleing. Unfortunately, there were not many yard sales to be found, so we headed on down to the Harper's Ferry Flea Market. After walking the whole thing, we decided to hit onelast table before we left. There were boxes and boxes and myriad piles of books and cassettes strewn about. As I walked up to one pile, I glanced to the book that was just carelessly thrown on top. I glanced down and see the title "Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo Karate...version 1.0" With hands moving at a speed that would have made Mr. Parker proud, I snatched the book and clutched it to my chest and screamed "Mine" in my best three year old shriek. I bellowed at the table owner about four times, only to be ignored, I then walked up and politely interjected my self in between her and the people she was talking with and said only, "How much?" She told me three dollars, I stood there for a moment debating wether or not to haggle with her. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably about 3 seconds, I snatched out the wallet paid her and stalked off. As I was walking away, Tess asked me what I was gloating about. I waited until we were a few tables away and then showed her. She kept taking my new find away from me. I was getting a bit perturbed because every time she took it away, she made some annoying comment like, "Keep your eyes on the road."
Originally posted by Seig

Yesterday, Tess and I decided to get out of the house and do something relaxing, for a change. We decided to go yard saleing. Unfortunately, there were not many yard sales to be found, so we headed on down to the Harper's Ferry Flea Market. After walking the whole thing, we decided to hit onelast table before we left. There were boxes and boxes and myriad piles of books and cassettes strewn about. As I walked up to one pile, I glanced to the book that was just carelessly thrown on top. I glanced down and see the title "Ed Parker's Encyclopedia of Kenpo Karate...version 1.0" With hands moving at a speed that would have made Mr. Parker proud, I snatched the book and clutched it to my chest and screamed "Mine" in my best three year old shriek. I bellowed at the table owner about four times, only to be ignored, I then walked up and politely interjected my self in between her and the people she was talking with and said only, "How much?" She told me three dollars, I stood there for a moment debating wether or not to haggle with her. After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably about 3 seconds, I snatched out the wallet paid her and stalked off. As I was walking away, Tess asked me what I was gloating about. I waited until we were a few tables away and then showed her. She kept taking my new find away from me. I was getting a bit perturbed because every time she took it away, she made some annoying comment like, "Keep your eyes on the road."

Aren't you ashamed, taking advantage of an old lady!:eek:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Anyone needing Ed Parker Books ..... let me know.... I have most all in stock now.

Can you get me a copy of "Speak With A Knife?"
Originally posted by Seig

Well I do, it's true. :angel:

Yes he does.. stands there.. with this look ........a wicked glint in his eye.. and with a smile on his face... letting everyone expend their energy.... then he moves.. and it's never seen.. *sighs..
Originally posted by KenpoTess

Yes he does.. stands there.. with this look ........a wicked glint in his eye.. and with a smile on his face... letting everyone expend their energy.... then he moves.. and it's never seen.. *sighs..

Oh oh, Kwai Chang Caine in da House!:eek:
Originally posted by GouRonin

Can you get me a copy of "Speak With A Knife?"

That would require an all black outfit, ski mask, lock picking skills,
money, air fare, a team of people for "lookout", maybe some
diversions, and a LOT OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS :) :D :rofl:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Oh oh, Kwai Chang Caine in da House!:eek:
Bite ME! Why is it there are never any short, fat, jewish television or movie heros? It's discrimination, Damnit! Where's my lawyer?!?:cuss:
Originally posted by Seig

Bite ME! Why is it there are never any short, fat, jewish television or movie heros? It's discrimination, Damnit! Where's my lawyer?!?:cuss:

" Columbo" was Jewish.

In the spirit of support and because I do not have time to make you chicken soup or kvetch ... I present you with:


Minyan Man, a tough looking dude who can overwhelm anyone after he splits himself into ten.

Dreidel Maidel who, a la the Flash, can spin at super speed. She flies, sees, hears, thinks and reacts with computer quickness.

Menorah Man, he of metallic strength, can sprout eight flame-shooting arms, let alone fiery rockets from his feet. This fly-boy according to creator Oirich, "is impervious to the rigors of space travel."

Earl Chandler, Menorah Man’s secret identity, explains Oirich, comes from the menorah itself: Earl (oil) Chandler (chandelier). Hey, it’s a comic.

Yarmulkah Youth, the boy wonder, scoots around on a "Yarmaha" motorcycle. His yarmulke and gartel have more chotchkes than Batman’s utility belt.

Shabbas (Sabbath) Queen wields a magic wand that manipulates or disables electrical and mechanical devices. This blonde’s mastery over muktzah is limited only by her necessity to recharge her wand like Green Lantern has to recharge his ring. Green Lantern has to recharge daily; Shabbas Queen recharges one day in seven.

Then there’s Hyper Girl who’s, well, hyper. The cd-rom informs us that "after eating matzah accidentally baked with radioactive water in a microwave oven, she discovers that the molecules in her body have been charged with hyper energy." She has microwave vision, hyper strength, and hyper immunity. But she loses her power if, like matzah becoming unkosher for Passover, she spends more than 18 minutes underwater.

She also has "hyper senses" which, I guess, makes her super sensitive.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by Seig

Ok, I meant action heroes!
Doc named ONE! One Damnit!

What you didn't know is that Jerry Seinfeld was a secret agent, who just happened to have the funniest tv show ever. Now that's a hero I can get behind. (I bumped into him at the movies, and he swore he was an agent)
Originally posted by Seig

Bite ME! Why is it there are never any short, fat, jewish television or movie heros? It's discrimination, Damnit! Where's my lawyer?!?:cuss:

I'm hurt, words can't describe!:wah:

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