Ed Martin Seminar in Morris


MTS Alumni
Just a Quick Overveiw of another FANTASTIC seminar by Ed Martin out here. We covered the ideas of countering many of the locks and things we see commonly... Using the idea of Disrupting the pattern and looking at space... this was just a precurser to what I personally think the meat of the seminar was about... Hiding your movements and attacks so they will be more difficult to counter. Overall, the material was OVERWHELMING... so much good information and so many ideas to play with... and I understand so little of it beyond the concepts... it gives me a lot to think on and play with. Hopefully some of the others From MT who were there can add more...
Yes Papa-sans seminars are great! He moves very smoothly
and you coming away feeling good about yourself and your
skill level! Because of his arthritis you have the opportunity
to pick up some different subtle clues to use your taijutsu
more effectively! If you ever get a chance to go to one of
his seminars, I would highly recommend them! He also sells
some great training tools here at : http://northampton1.com/Dojo/links/ !
Best of all his training tools are incredibly sturdy and really take a

Brian R. VanCise
Agreed, his tools are very nice. I recently went a great seminar put on by Martin Sensei in Montreal. Very good, glad to be beaten raw LOL.
Brian R. VanCise said:
Because of his arthritis you have the opportunity
to pick up some different subtle clues to use your taijutsu
more effectively!

Don Roley recently wrote something in the Toshindo forum about the usage of low stances and bent knees.