Brief Overview of the Ed Martin Seminar


MTS Alumni
Hi... for anyone who is interested here is a brief overview of the Seminar Ed Martin did today at the Earthway Dojo here in Illinois...

We opened up with a series of breathing and stretching excercises designed to oxyginate and enliven the body... And Mr. Martin gave us a sneek peak at how the movements in that excercise incorporate into our Taijutsu.

We moved on to looking at the Kihon Happo from "Up Close" (with the attacker right in your face) and using small, hidden movements... (I hope I can explain this part right) One of the themes of training Mr. Martin stressed all day was that in a society that is quick to arrest and litigate, if everyone around you does not see you attack, but sees your attacker attack you... (ack, is that confusing) it makes it more difficult to find you at fault... He demonstarted movements that make it look as tho all you are doing is "cowering" or "Covering up" yet your opponet is actually running into strikes and injuring himself.

The second half of the day was used to adapt hanbo techniques to a Cane, adjusting the technique to take advantage of the "crook" on the end of the cane for trapping and kyusho point strikes... And again, stressing small, barely perceptable movements and an effortless use of force.

he briefly trouched on some Belt vs Knife & Cane Vs Knife material as well.

It was an AWESOME seminar, IMHO, and Mr Martin was a great guy, and he really knows how to move!

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