Economic Matters


Have the courage to speak softly
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Sep 15, 2006
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Staffordshire, England
As we've had a couple of topics recently that touched on the side of the street where I (used to) have expertise, economics and business, I thought it'd be a good idea to link to a very good Radio 4 series that covers that ground very wel.

It's called the Bottom Line and, even tho' in a thread just today I was landing some blows on useless and self-serving executives, they usually have some very good high-level guests whose words actually give me hope that we can yet save capitalism from the abyss.

It is also worth seeking out a series call Stephanomics (hosted by Stephanie Flanders) - it's hard to catch these series tho' as the BBC does not seem to hold them in reserve for very ling (possibly for copyright reasons). Here is a long but interesting debate about the morality of economics in which she has a part:

And here is an investigation into the mythology of the very rich benefiting the rest of us:

I watch rt to which is russian televion. I watch journal and eurapean journal, Ibn (israel) and a few others including aljazeera english.

Its the best way get a view from others perspective and to be honest I don't see it as 1 sided as so many other news sources seem to be.

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Here in the US I think one of the biggest issues for real journalist is the pressure to keep the balance. If a fact supports one person's arguement then the counter point to that arguement is then allowed to balance out the arguement, whether factual or not. Journalist need to stick to basic journalistic rules such as fact checking and more than one reliable source. In the rush to get the story before everyone else and put into the 24 hour news cycle truth has been allowed to go by the wayside. We are back to an era of yellow journalism...and sometimes worse than that.

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