Not surprising at all.
Now you can't even buy / sell reloading components on eBay, even if they're simple, unprimed brass casings.
Halprin asserts that much of this was due to the VT tragedy, but the last I saw, Cho Seung Hui didn't manufacture his own ammo, nor did he change barrels, trigger assemblies, etc...
Now you can't even buy / sell reloading components on eBay, even if they're simple, unprimed brass casings.
Hello everyone…In mid-August, we will be updating our Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy to place more restrictions around gun-related items.
Once these changes take effect, we will prohibit listings of any firearm part that is required for the firing of a gun.
This includes items like bullet tips, brass casings and shells, barrels, slides, cylinders, magazines, firing pins, trigger assemblies, etc. Please read the Firearms, Weapons and Knives Policy for more details on our current policy.
Halprin asserts that much of this was due to the VT tragedy, but the last I saw, Cho Seung Hui didn't manufacture his own ammo, nor did he change barrels, trigger assemblies, etc...
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