eBay and the Xbox 360 craze


Senior Master
May 30, 2005
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Swordlady said:
For further proof that there is indeed a sucker born every minute, run a search for Xbox 360 on eBay. Check out what some of these sellers want for their Xboxes - what's even scarier is that someone bid $4,500 for one: http://cgi.ebay.com/Xbox-360_W0QQitemZ8237206344QQcategoryZ62054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

C'mon now, couldn't you wait just a couple more months before the supplies finally meet the demand? :rolleyes:

4500 is a bit much, but tell that to your whining son when you tell him to wait till March LOL... I agree with you, but I understand the desire to get one, especially if everything is sold out.

For the guy selling it though, my compliments. Quick way to make a buck! Esp if he was able to get a few of them! would be a great way to make some money!

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mrhnau said:
4500 is a bit much, but tell that to your whining son when you tell him to wait till March LOL... I agree with you, but I understand the desire to get one, especially if everything is sold out.

For the guy selling it though, my compliments. Quick way to make a buck! Esp if he was able to get a few of them! would be a great way to make some money!


The funniest thing is that microsoft have admitted that due to the rush to get the new xbox out before x-mas that they didnt have time to work out all the 'glitches' on the console.....so he just paid $4000 for something that is more then likely going to crash everytime he plays something.
Odin said:
The funniest thing is that microsoft have admitted that due to the rush to get the new xbox out before x-mas that they didnt have time to work out all the 'glitches' on the console.....so he just paid $4000 for something that is more then likely going to crash everytime he plays something.

Thats Microsoft for you though :) never push anything perfect.

People pay to be their beta testers, thats what's happening for the next 6 months....

Meh, $15 gets arcade access for a year here, much better value ;)
Odin said:
The funniest thing is that microsoft have admitted that due to the rush to get the new xbox out before x-mas that they didnt have time to work out all the 'glitches' on the console.....so he just paid $4000 for something that is more then likely going to crash everytime he plays something.

Eh...that's par for the course where Microsoft is concerned. Even their Pocket PCs crash. Though I have to admit that my PC rarely crashes now with Windows XP, second service pack. I used to crash - and trash - my old Windows 98 PCs.

As far as my gaming preferences are concerned, I'm more than content to play old 80's arcade games on my PC's MAME32 emulator - for FREE! :ultracool
Swordlady said:
Even their Pocket PCs crash.

I've had good luck with my PocketPC; I can't complain about that. It has frozen up from time to time, but not very often.
I know someone who has made over $1500 dollars for less than two hours work thanks to the XBox 360 craze! That is nice Christmas money.

As to the crashing, we have been playing ours since we gave it to our son for his birthday on the weekend and trust me, there have been no complaints!:) The "boys" (most of them over 30) have been enjoying it no end.

It is funny though, those that we know who bashed the guys waiting in line or have been constantly whining "they're all gonna crash, they're all gonna crash" were the first ones at our door to play. Sometimes green eyed monsters and schadenfreude come into play.:rolleyes:
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Sam said:
my sister was insistant on buying her husband one for christmas. She is computer illiterate, so I helped her bid on them for four hours last night until we got one at an acceptable (in her opinon) price. This was ours.


Wait a sec...she bid over TWICE the suggested retail value - and the seller did NOT have the Xbox on hand. There's no guarantee that she'll actually receive the Xbox by December 20th. Personally, I don't trust these "preorder" auctions. There's a better chance of the buyer getting burned by them.
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Swordlady said:
Wait a sec...she bid over TWICE the suggested retail value - and the seller did NOT have the Xbox on hand. There's no guarantee that she'll actually receive the Xbox by December 20th. Personally, I don't trust these "preorder" auctions. There's a better chance of the buyer getting burned by them.

It was because my friend actually had the units physically that he was able to get such high prices for them. They were shipped the next day after his auctions closed and those people already have them!

I don't think I would buy on a "guarantee" for Christmas. Too risky, I hope she has a back-up present.:)
Swordlady said:
As far as my gaming preferences are concerned, I'm more than content to play old 80's arcade games on my PC's MAME32 emulator - for FREE! :ultracool

Just wait until I get my MythBox up and running and all the emulators going....along with some of these bad boys....
I saw a pile of Xbox's in the local K-mart store this weekend. Well, it used to be a K-mart ... now it's a Sears Essentials or something like that.

I imagine Sears / K-mart is selling at list.
Swordlady said:
For further proof that there is indeed a sucker born every minute, run a search for Xbox 360 on eBay. Check out what some of these sellers want for their Xboxes - what's even scarier is that someone bid $4,500 for one: http://cgi.ebay.com/Xbox-360_W0QQitemZ8237206344QQcategoryZ62054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

C'mon now, couldn't you wait just a couple more months before the supplies finally meet the demand? :rolleyes:

here is something to think about... imagine I put a 360 on ebay, and set the price for 10k. I bid myself for it. People imagine that there is such a huge demand, they might be inclined to outbid me. If noone bids, the owner is not out any money. Win-win for the bidder.

So, point of the story. Lets look at the bids when it gets down to the line. Are there other 360's selling for that price range? I imagine not... But you never know :)
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mrhnau said:
here is something to think about... imagine I put a 360 on ebay, and set the price for 10k. I bid myself for it. People imagine that there is such a huge demand, they might be inclined to outbid me. If noone bids, the owner is not out any money. Win-win for the bidder.

Um...you're not allowed to bid on your own auctions on eBay. They have ways of figuring out if that is happening, and will shut down your account.
Swordlady said:
Um...you're not allowed to bid on your own auctions on eBay. They have ways of figuring out if that is happening, and will shut down your account.

Get my wife to bid. Get my friend to bid. Get my parents to bid. Ways around everything...
Swordlady said:
Um...you're not allowed to bid on your own auctions on eBay. They have ways of figuring out if that is happening, and will shut down your account.

I'm guessing I just have a hard time believing someone is so silly as to bid about 10x the list price on an item. Especially first bid and so quickly. Would seem to be a tactic. I hope I'm wrong...


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