E-hogu's to be used at local tourney...happenning sooner than I expected


Senior Master
I know it's siomply a matter of time before the electronic hogus will be standard at most tournaments. and I fully expect to see them at any major tournamnet now. However, I just ogt jotice that the Queens College Champinoship Open will be using the Lajust system for the 14+ BB division. They will provide the hogu's, but a LaJust venfdor will be there to sell socks to competitors who don't have them.

I'm surprised to see this so soon at locla tournaments (given some of the reported problems and criticisms of the elctronic scoring system). I usppose it's a good thing in that more competitors will get a shot at expereincing and playing wiht the new hogus...on the down side, that means the time is quickly coming where all players will have to shell out for the new gear.

I'll be interested to see how things go (our team will not be at this one so I'm hoping for some info from other folks after the fract).

Has anyone else seen the LaJust system at local competitions?

I'm assuming the hogu's are being paid for by whoever is sponsoring the event. It may be the case there is some sort of sponshorship deal with LaJust.... but that's jsut supposition on my part. Athletes have to provide their own sensor socks.

It's just a matter of time before athletes will have to provide their own workign equipment across the board.

that would be my concern AFTER making sure that they work right, which was still in doubt i thought.

assuming they work right, whats the unit cost?
I'm not sure the exact figure...but it is not cheap. I think somehere in the $400 range. Not sure if that is for jus tthe hogu and socks....or if that includes the software and wireless receiver equipment for the computer.

It'll probably get cheaper over time as the use of the system becomes more widespread. However, It'll always be more expensive than old fashioned padding.

Also, despite all the bugs in the system now...in time, those will be owrked out as well.

it's not a question of IF, it"s WHEN. Electronic scoring will be standard for Olympic style TKD. I just fdigured it'd take a little longer to trickle down to my end of the pool. :)

Lajust is a bad system, the adidas sytem is so much better.
I've not used (nor really seen) either in use. What are the primary differences between LaJust and Adidas?

My understanding of the primary difference is that addidas is purely impact based, requiring no special socks or gloves.

The problem with that system is that knees, elbows, shins etc hitting the addidas hogu will register invalid points.

The lajust system uses sensors in the hogu that require a circuit compleing connection from the sensors in the socks in order to register a point.

The problem with that system is that it really matters more that you hit your opponents hogu in just the right way and with just the right part of the sock in order to register a point.
Erik, I would think that even though they are using the E-hogu's, they would only be used in final matches not all matches. And also they most likely would only be used in BB divisions not color belts. They would need to many of them any other way and that would make the event host lose money.
I went to a local tourney this past weekend and they used the Daedo(sp) system. They used this only for black belts 14 and up. The people that set the system up provided the hogu's and the competitors, for sanitary reasons, were required to provide their own footies. I think that they were 25.00. The only scoring that needed to be done was extra points for head shots and stunning hand strikes or strikes with the foot that did not have sensors. I was buisy and did not have an opportunity to see how it went, but they had rings set up to use the old system with just in case.

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