No, it just seeems many people want thier cake and to eat it too. They don't want all Christians held to task for things such as the Crusades, the inquisition,
None of those people are alive today, so why should those Christians who are be "held to task".
abortion doctor killings, child abuse, etc.
And for everyone of those events you will see several million Christians say that the person was wrong, what they did was evil, does not represent what they believe.
When I ask for examples of the same from Muslims, I hear... crickets.
At the same time they want to paint 911 as an act supported by an entire religion.
See the differences listed above.
This is sometimes a question of simplicity and ignorance. Not everyone has time to become an expert on the Koran, the Hadith, the hundreds of cultures and their various interpretations of Islam. But perhaps, just maybe, if millions of Muslims would cry out and rage against the terrorism, then maybe it would be believed that this is something other then a religious act.
It really isn't difficult to understand why the hypocritical nature of this is being called out.
Not really hypocritical when the situations are different, and don't relate.