DUI Manslaughter = 30 Days in Jail


Master Black Belt
This is crazy to me.
Donte' Stallworth reached a plea deal on his DUI Manslaughter charge. He will serve 30 days in jail, 1,000 hours community service and 10 years probation as well as a undisclosed amount of money to the family.


Michael Vick goes to federal prison for almost 2 years and losses all his money for dog fighting and this guy kills a person and will only be in jail for 30 days.

Plaxico Buress shoots HIMSELF in the leg and NY attorneys want him in jail for a number of years!

I think the family just wanted the money and called it a day. I am very shocked that the judge even accepted the terms of this deal. Money rules the world.

I am so disgusted.
Stallworth also reached a confidential financial settlement to avoid a potential lawsuit from the family[...]Stallworth faced 15 years in prison. After his release from jail, Stallworth must serve two years of house arrest and spend eight years on probation.
This doesn't seem right. Driving drunk means knowing you might well kill someone.

I too wonder how much the financial settlement figured into the judge's thinking. :(

Stallworth had a blood-alcohol level of .126 after the crash, well above Florida's .08 limit. Stallworth stopped after the crash and immediately told officers he had hit Reyes.
That's a lot of alcohol. He did the right thing by stopping but that pales in comparison to driving drunk.

The night before the crash, Stallworth earned a $4.5 million roster bonus from the Browns.
The American way show me the money and I will be waiing on it.
That's ok. Raping a 4 yr old is only 1 yr in jail.
He'll be out in September, looking for his next victim.
Yeah, our court system really really really really sucks.