Drunken Martial Arts

Yes there is a "Drunken Style" It is as self contained as most CMA are, yet it has become an addition to training for advanced persons. My sifu knows some drunken sets and forms, they are effective, but are very intricite and physically demanding.

It was originally practiced while drinking, but the idea was to drink the right amount and stop, not to become drunk like most movies show. Now it is not practiced while drinking, at least no one I know does it that way.

One thing about it, it is very awesome to watch!!! :)


PS: There may be more info with the guys in the CMA section as well.

Would you happen to know of, or be able to find out about, instructors who would teach Drunken Style to a martial artist without CMA experience? Especially any in Southern California.

It's one of those things on my list. :)
I think it's correct that drunken style is not typically taught as a self-contained style but rather as a component of another style.
Originally posted by Zepp

Would you happen to know of, or be able to find out about, instructors who would teach Drunken Style to a martial artist without CMA experience? Especially any in Southern California.

It's one of those things on my list. :)

I don't know of anyone who would teach any drunken sets to anyone other than one of their far advanced students. When you get into CMA, one "system" usually is integrated with others. For example, in my 7 star mantis, we learn some wah lum forms as beginers to learn movements, then we start our 7 star forms in the intermediate class. Several of our "Kung Fu Uncles" come and teach forms from time to time, alot of Hung Gar, tai chi, wah lum, etc. Its hard to break these down to a system since they are just sets from each system. We aren't learning Hung Gar, but we learned the hung gar punching set. Thats the way they veiw the drunken sets we get to learn, they are an addition for advanced students.
So, no, sorry I don't know anyone who would teach a "drunken style" in and of itself. I would be a little leary of someone who did. You really need a strong base to start on advanced techniques.

hope this helped....
I guess its all about finding the right teacher and not someone who gets drunk and pretends to do Kung Fu while you pay him :rolleyes:
"Drunken kung fu was designed for monks who were wanting to act as if they were drunk when leaving a bar so they wouldn't get hassled by the military. They would act as if they were drunk and pretend it was all random when they were beating the crap out of the officer. Quite an ingenous idea."

Thats ther most funny story I have heard, I hope you dont really belive it.

" many of the styles and arts have one or more "drunken" sets. There's no standard "Drunken Boxing" style that you can go learn."

Thats correct,

"Most of the Chinese variations tend to center their concept around an old Chinese legend about a group of Immortals who are all drunk and take a little boat ride. The forms tend to base the movements off of the personality of each immortal. This ends up giving a good arsenal of techniques - some brute strength moves, some small joint manipulation, fighting from odd levels or balances, etc "

The only version that uses that story in the forms is the Drunken Boxing of the 8 Immortals, in other systems of drunken boxing the story has nothing to do with the moves, but still credit Li the drunken Immortal, with creating the style, after killing a man, Li became a Buddhist Monk, to avoid trial, but never lost his drinking habit, after the monks caught him and threw him out of the grounds, but before he left, he beat over 30 monks, and created the style, so legand says.

I have learned 1 Drunken weapon form, and it is very hard and demanding, its a PM double edged sword form.

"So, no, sorry I don't know anyone who would teach a "drunken style" in and of itself. I would be a little leary of someone who did. You really need a strong base to start on advanced techniques."

So true 7*, I would feel the same.


No I don't believe it. I made it up. But there is Drunken Kung Fu. It was my attempt at humor. Sorry if I confused anyone.
Originally posted by SRyuFighter
No I don't believe it. I made it up. But there is Drunken Kung Fu. It was my attempt at humor. Sorry if I confused anyone.

No, like I said, I laughed so hard, thanks for the joke, I thought maybe someone told you that, funny stuff!

Looks cool, I think however that the skill level you would have to attain to actually use drunken moves to really defend yourself would have to be extremely high. I think I would never use it to defend myself because I don't know that I will ever reach that level of skill.

On a semi-related note, senshido (Richard Dimitri's RBSD system) advocates sparring and doing simulation after drinking a few, in order to replicate what things might be like if you defend yourself in a club or bar.

Crazy to me, yet makes sense in a way.
Judging by my extensive film collection there are drunken forms of most of the animal forms in Kung Fu - Drunken Mantis, Drunken Monkey etc. The style seems to be a few staggering feints followed by the real hit. It´s not dissimilar to the technique of one black belt I know who, being a shortish lady fighting big blokes, does a few punches to the face all of which are blocked then puts in a fast spinning reverse kick much to her opponent´s surprise. The drunken style looks great fun. I only wish classes were more readily available worldwide!
I remember watching a small martial arts tournament in Hilo, Hawaii back in 1997. There was this one match with a Monkey Kung Fu practitioner against a Kempo practitioner.

The Monkey dude used a drunken form against the Kempo dude. Guess who won by getting the most strikes in? You guessed it...the Monkey dude using a drunken style.

It was very, very interesting and fun to watch. I could kind-of sense the surprise and frustration the Kempo guy was enduring. It seemed he really didn't expect a lot of the strikes coming towards him. The Monkey guy was very good on the defensive when strikes came in towards him as well.

drunken mistress, I assume you train in a drunken style?
I wish I was! I have only ever had one Kung Fu lesson from a visiting student. Unfortunately there are no lessons anywhere near me. I do Karate as the next best thing. There is a large Northern Chinese community where I live in Spain. My son (7) is pestering the only Chinese boy in his school (6) to teach him the secrets of Kung Fu but alas, Lo Yen, after demonstrating one or two moves will give no more!
I am very much an admirer of the style though!
There are those who practice a drunken boxing kung fu thats an entire style... one such teacher of it is Troy Dunbar. But if you start out learning the STYLE of drunken boxing, you're more than likely going to learn basic kung fu before you even dabble in the drunken ways.

I spoke to my Sifu (wah lum pai) about learning drunken forms and how far along I might be expected to learn it and he mentioned ranges in the years as he doesn't even know it yet. But I do know that the bodily control to look out of control while remaining in control is great. I can't wait untill I get a chance to learn such things.
WLMantisKid said:
There are those who practice a drunken boxing kung fu thats an entire style... one such teacher of it is Troy Dunbar.

You mean Troy Dunwood, right?
The drunken boxing I have seen is an advanced style that is usually taught before no style. It does not resemble what is portrayed in the movie at all. Also most sifus' do not advocate drinking to get the feeling of the style.