You do realize not everyone that smokes pot is a recreational user that just chills in his house playing PS3 not bothering a sole right?
Yes. You realize that not everyone who smokes pot is a drug addled sociopath. Right?
The #1 problem I see will happen is the number of underage users will go up. Its kinda hard to put out there that marijuana is bad and turn around and make it legal for adults makes us kinda hypocritical.
What a joke. About 55% of kids between 12 and 18 have tried weed and about 45% smoked it within the previous month. It's a huge problem right now. We also have a huge problem with underage drinking. Both are serious, serious issues that need to be addressed. Neither would be impacted by legalizing marijuana. It would continue to be illegal for minors.
#2 after Marijuana is legal what drug lobby is next? I know you keep saying it wont happen cocaine wont be legal but 20 years ago people never thought Marijuana would be and its almost there. Its a slippery slope once you start with one you cant stop it.
That you recognize this as a slippery slope, but don't understand that a slippery slope is a logical fallacy is funny.
#3 the amount of Driving under the influence will go up because Marijuana will be more socially accepted. Even though its illegal the numbers will rise.
Really? I'd like to know whether you're just guessing or you have something to back this up. DUI is serious. We'd need to figure that out. But would more people do it? I don't know. It seems to me that the kind of person who would drive under the influence of alcohol is the same kind of person who would drive while stoned... its' a problem either way, but I'd guess that it's more to do with the person than the activity.
#4 more a personal note then anything but We got alot of information from informants trying to get rid of a simple weed charge because as stated before most Marijuana dealers sell other drugs to. So when Patrol arrests a guy driving with a bag of weed I interview him he tells me who and where he gets it from I turn that into an investigation and 8 times out of 10 will get a dealer selling other drugs besides Marijuana.
I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that we should keep weed illegal so that you can put pressure on casual users because they're being forced to get it from drug dealers? That's pretty scary, if that's what you mean. [/quote]
#5 you will replaces Marijuana dealers with people selling marijuana on the black market. You wont change crime numbers just the name of the crime. Same people will get locked up just a different charge now.[/quote]I asked you for any evidence to support this and you have yet to deliver. The best you could do was completely redefine the term "black market."
Bill mentioned cigs and alcohol, and it was pretty clear that the real key was disparity in the taxing and pricing.
#6 In my opinion the number of Sexual assaults will go up. I have no numbers to back that up but alot of the college date rape crimes we get usually involve smoking marijuana and drinking. You make Marijuana legal people will be more likely to try it.
What? At least you're not pretending that this is anything other than a guess. Weed is so incredibly available to college students that it might as well be legal. Sexual assault is serious, but once again, you're ignoring reality and trying desperately to look for some reasonable sounding support for your position.
#7 work production will go down.
Do you envision people smoking a bowl in the back room of office buildings? Your'e killing me. Is drinking on duty okay? Do you seriously think that smoking weed on duty would be okay? Come on.
#8 what about Cops and Military do you want them to be smoking up before work? If you make it legal Can I go smoke a fatty and go to work a few hours later? Do you want our troops Smoking up?
Do I want them drinking before work? Are you reading your own posts?
#9 Suicides will go up. There have been several links with Marijuana and depression.
Once again, I'm afraid to ask where you're drawing this conclusion.
This is my last post in this thread, unless you've got something new to bring to the table. At this point, you're really just rebooting the thread, pretending that you haven't read anything that's been posted before and stating your position like it's fresh and new. I don't have the time or energy to continue.