Dream to a Nightmare


2nd Black Belt
I've been on MT for a long wile, not as long as some but more than most...and well I feel like I can express how I feel on many aspects...Now for the first time ever, I will express more emotion than ever before seen on MT...I had a dream last night, and I need some...Insight on it...So here it is...

I went to go see a movie alone at the old one on bardstown road(a local street) that closed down not long ago...and it was a decent movie and I enjoyed myself...Then as I walked out and headed toward the door...Everyone, I have ever fear, hated, argued with...etc...all of my enimies and there "buddies" were blocking the door...My first instinct was to run, so I turned around, and there were more, and I was completly surrounded. So I did the next best thing, I dropped back into a stance, and then a battle royal broke losse...I was fighting well and took few hits...almost invincible...until Missy(my little sister) comes out of no where...I start to worry about her, defending her...my concentration goes toward her...I tried my best, but still wasn't enough...they just kept coming...Then I woke up...it as over whelming

Please, some insight would be wonderful.
Dreams can describe concerns, apprehensions and fears that may be present in your current situation. They can also be a form of experiential organization by your subconscious. It's hard to say which this is.

Been having any disconcerting thoughts on the effectiveness of your art lately?
First off, you shouldn't have pissed off so many people in real life! :D (sorry, couldn't resist ;) )

Dreams are but a way for our mind to clean house and be able to put things into perspective. I really wouldn't worry too much about it. I know some dreams are so overwhelming and scarry that you wake up in a cold sweat and really have to get up and move around before you believe that they are not real.

The part in your dream about trying your best and it not being enough could mean that you need to train harder and longer to get better, or it could mean that you shouldn't eat burritos before bed :D

I guess the most important thing is... what do you think it signifies and how, if anything, is it going to change your training/life?
I was told these kinds of dreams usually indicate something either coming to a head, resolving itself, or revealing itself. You have strong family ties - you'd fight to the death for your family, and that's amazing and a good quality.

Don't put TOO much stock in your dreams, else they run you.
During the course of a day (or whatever waking hours you use), you are taking in enormous amounts of information, and temporarily storing them in your brain. Your brain has to purge this information in one way or another, and generally uses the dreams in such a manner. If you didn't dream, you'd go insane.

Not surprisingly, your dreams will tend to be based on what you experienced that day, and / or something stuck in your long-term memory. If you were watching a movie about someone having to protect another, then it's entirely possible that your dream was based on that situation.

Simply put, shrug off the last night's dreams, and enjoy your life. If they get too intense, or if they're unbearable, then talk to your doctor. There's no shame in that.
I have been sparring a whole lot more lately, and doing well...My Sister on the other hand being in karate for about a year now hasn't been and I know that if a situation arised i would I have to protect her...I have been working out a lot more lately...Sometimes I feel like it will never be enough...Or even I have all this power and yet and still can't protect the ones I love...

Oh and Lisa...it was everyone from the neighborhood bully when i was 5 (grown up of course)---To my most recent..."Disagreements"
From my point of view and opinion, it sounds like you are overstressing yourself in some aspects of life, not in training or anything, but in particular situations. I would take some extra time each day for a little meditation to clear your mind or do something relaxing (maybe not a movie), and see if in a few weeks or so the dreams accurs again or something of a simular thing.