Do's and Don't of Qigong

But it can be taught. I was taught it. My teacher, his teacher, etc. were all taught it. It's not something you just stumble upon, like wiggling your ears.

well yes, you can and must be taught, that is obvious. But just because you are taught, does not mean there is a guarantee you will "get it". For that, with the guidance you have received, you need to figure it out yourself.
good info. thanks for that. caught myself dangling legs off a short bed recently, i did register it to be sortof negative for circulation but i didnt think id read about it here...

about ki. i just wanted to say that, ki is real. although there are many forms of ki that may be considered less concrete. the actual ki as well as essence are what keep the body alive. sure there are many subtle aspects, but to simplify and share my basic understandings, if one were to stop eating, drinking or sleeping, one would quickly understand that ki is a reality. modern science simply has different terminology but the concepts are not that different. energy=life no food no life. life requires fuel as well as efficient maintenance.

other explainations could be linked to the action of breathing and taking in/processing oxygen. As Master Yang has stated, what science calles nerves, make up and employ the same bioelectric system that is described by chigung practitioners as ki.

furthermore, the subject itself is a mystery. unless someone has cultivated such intense power so as to be able to display or demonstrate some miraculous forces or control over natur, what's the hype?
every doctor will tell you that sports/exercise) are good for you(within reason) no biggie there.

however, there are ways of strengthening the body, the nerves, the ligaments. and strage but true, a persons entire being, character and astral power are directly proportionate to the state of their tanden.
the tanden is the source of all powers, tallents and skill on earth.

in case one may ask 'what on earth is astral power?' by that i mean i kind of energy that resides in a person that can be felt by others. you feeling me. hopefuly enough to understand what i mean.
take for example a dog,, a dog doesnt see as much as he does smell perhaps and it is well known that animals have keen senses. a dog will feel the energy. they may even start barking at unusual cases irrespective of the dogs 'judgement`'-in a similar way, everyone does this conciously or unconciously. although there are some analogies between the physical and nonphysical, it is quite possible for a person of very humble physical state to cultivate energy to a frightening and impressive level. in a similar way, anyone could to certain degrees, fluke out and experience some success. but since all beings are functioning with ki, even an animal could be blessed with greater concentrations of energy since it is connected to nature.

ki is the energy that moves ones hands. ki is the energy that makes the hands shake uncontrollably in emergencies..everything follows the mind, but it's too late to do chigung at this point. life demands action, now. wuwei, is not only the a passive state of doing nothing it is at the same time the ability to do anything.

on the other hand, ki is open to interpretation and i can accept several forms of ki as different people will define it.

in japanese language, the word ki, plays a really large role where it can refer to a myriad of things from electricity to sickness or various states of mind or being.

the mind follows ki and ki follows the body(reality) which then again follow the mind. the three families are one.

well yes, you can and must be taught, that is obvious. But just because you are taught, does not mean there is a guarantee you will "get it". For that, with the guidance you have received, you need to figure it out yourself.

Well that's certainly true to a certain extent. My teacher gave me the basic technique and then showed me how to drop elements out of the process that were barriers to feeling qi. But it was up to me to open myself to feeling what was left -- qi. He wouldn't tell me what it was supposed to feel like. I had to train and tell him as a test to see if I got it.

So yeah, you have to find it yourself within the context you've been taught.
Any one try Falun Gong? I have tried other qigong practices but it didn't work too well.
Any one try Falun Gong? I have tried other qigong practices but it didn't work too well.

I highly recommend not trying fulan gong, that is unless you don't mind being listed as a member whether you wanted to be or not.
Any one try Falun Gong? I have tried other qigong practices but it didn't work too well.

I agree with Xue Sheng about not recommending falungong. But the same warning would apply to a lot of other groups. REal qigong and meditation training opens you up to things that you haven't experienced before. You become a "babe in the woods" so to speak at that stage and you're fairly vulnerable then until you get a better handle on the training. While in that beginning stage, you're open to manipulation on all sorts of levels that you won't understand and can't defend yourself against.

Falugong and many other groups can really warp your perceptions. Stay away from the cults.
5. Regulating Sexual activity. Sexual activity depletes your essence and if your essence is drained then your body and Qi will also be low.

For all overly hormonal teenage boys everywhere I must say this.


'nuff said.

But yeah, that's no fun. D:

Eh, well atleast is isn't a rule that HAS to be followed fully...I think...D:
5. Regulating Sexual activity. Sexual activity depletes your essence and if your essence is drained then your body and Qi will also be low.

Eh, well atleast is isn't a rule that HAS to be followed fully...I think...D:

It really depends on who you talk to. A general guideline is to refrain from sex for 100 days to build up the foundation. Younger people by nature may be able to engage in sex more often than their older counterparts.

Its not really saying do not have sex it is more saying do not ejaculate frequently. In fact some say to engage in sex with many different partners
and this goes into the sex cultivation orgies that the Yellow emperor supposely partook in and the sexual alchemy sects.
Also the technique which Mantak Chia is famous for bringing to the public is pressing on the Huiyin point and contracticing to "reverse the semen to nourish the brain." This technique pushed the semen into the bladder and also some say results in stagnation of the Huiyin point.