Dom DeLuise


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
This man was the source of many moments of gut busting laughter and wonderful quotable lines
Dom: "...What the hell are you doing! This is a closed set!"
Slim Pickens: "I'm working for Mel Brooks" (and draws back a fist)
Dom: "Not in the face!!!" (punched in the gut)...(weakly) "thank you..."

RIP Dom :asian:

Dom DeLuise, actor, comedian and chef, dies at 75
LOS ANGELES – Dom DeLuise, the portly entertainer and chef whose affable nature made him a popular character actor for decades with movie and TV audiences as well as directors and fellow actors, has died. He was 75.
Agent Robert Malcolm said DeLuise died about 6 p.m. Monday at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica. Malcolm said the family did not release the cause of death.
"He had high blood pressure, he had diabetes, he had lots of things," but seemed fine as recently as two weeks ago, he said.
DeLuise entered the hospital on Friday and his wife and all three sons were there when he died "peacefully," Malcolm said. A family statement said: "It's easy to mourn his death but easier to remember a time when he made you laugh."
DeLuise, who loved to cook and eat almost as much as he enjoyed acting, also carved out a formidable second career later in life as a chef of fine cuisine. He authored two cookbooks and would appear often on morning TV shows to whip up his favorite recipes.
I laughed until I cried at some of his work. Thanks for the laff break now and again, Dom. God bless ya. :asian:
He'll be missed... Few people seemed to bring such joy to everything they did.
R.I.P Sir...

Here is a TRUE story...A buddy of mine worked at the Cleveland Playhouse..Mr. DeLuise was appearing there and was being shown by one of the owners..As they were approching him for an introduction he suddenly doubled over in laughter..When the owner asked him "What's so dammed funny?". All he could get out was " Silent Movie, the Coke machine"..At that point Mr. DeLuise started laughing as hard as my bud..They both wound up on the floor laughing until they cried...

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