.....they are the ones yelling out, or talking out loud during class.
Talking to each other is bad enough, but then talking to their child while they are on the floor, really takes away the good experience the children are supposed to have.
The child becomes confused as to who they are supposed to listen to, misses most of the class, does not hear specific instructions on what they should be doing, possibly getting hurt because of distractions like these.
Watch out for your children for sure, I think all parents should, but give them encouragement before and after class.
Do not take away their, or any other students, experience by causing a disturbance.
The instructors have a hard enough time as it is. Not everyone can, or will teach children. Those who can, and do so, usually want to do their best. If they are doing a good job, 'thank them', if they are not, arrange an appointment with them to see how things can get better.