Dojo and walk ins

He has put 8 years into his trainings. I told him he should stay there and finish his training to black belt and take the test there.

As he would not at this time pass my BB test I give. I told him last week he did not know how to hit hard or take a punch. He looked at me like what ever. So I asked him to hit me. he did, it hurt a little but not really bad. I then asked if I could hit him. he said yes I been hit many times.
So I hit him with a center line shot. about 20% power. he fell to the ground. in pain. was down for about 3 min. We both got him in the belly area.

He said he never felt anything like that.

Yowza! I take it that 100% power would have resulted in his spine being blown out the back of his gi and into the wall eh?
i think it may be a respect thing. He doesnt want to take that away from a fellow instructor


Why would he have respect for a guy that turned out such a cruddy product? It would be different if it were in a totally different art like TKD. Then he could say something like "Well, it takes more to be a black belt in our art" comparing apples and oranges etc., but to tell him to go and get rank in the same art and then come back with a belt that he couldn't earn in his new dojo is silly IMO. It's just telling him to go and falsely inflate his ego before coming back.
Why would he have respect for a guy that turned out such a cruddy product? It would be different if it were in a totally different art like TKD. Then he could say something like "Well, it takes more to be a black belt in our art" comparing apples and oranges etc., but to tell him to go and get rank in the same art and then come back with a belt that he couldn't earn in his new dojo is silly IMO. It's just telling him to go and falsely inflate his ego before coming back.
Good point.

It's just telling him to go and falsely inflate his ego before coming back.

I agree. He should respectfully leave his present Teacher now. Quality instruction trumps rank any day, no comparison. The color of the belt around your waist is nothing compared to the skill, after all.
Yowza! I take it that 100% power would have resulted in his spine being blown out the back of his gi and into the wall eh?

Danjo LOL, Thats not want i said. But if you are not used to being hit them when someone hits you it hurts. Like say If john bishop in his art
had someone come in. he would not hit them really hard to make his point.
or at least i would not think he would. I just wanted him to know there is so much more to the art of kempo/kenpo then what he has been shown.

I have no issues sharing what I have learned. I also know that there is so much I still need to learn and to grow as a teacher and a student.
thats all. I will be in RENO NV. this weekend. for that gathering.

Re: All these "The young cocky guy walked in and got his clock cleaned by the Black Belt. He became a better person" stories.

Sometimes ya gets th' bar and sometimes the bar gets you.

A dear friend of mine who would never do this sort of thing anymore took a Karate class and wasn't terribly impressed. This was long ago and far away, before there was much martial arts in the US. The teacher decided to teach him a lesson in respect. The teacher got a short lesson in underestimating a skinny looking Indian kid and the effectiveness of boxing. He also got a quick nap. My friend's Karate career ended before the nap did.

It doesn't always work out like the stories say it should :)
Danjo LOL, Thats not what i said. But if you are not used to being hit then when someone hits you it hurts. Like say If John Bishop in his art
had someone come in, he would not hit them really hard to make his point.
Or at least i would not think he would.

Well, he usually just lets them workout with us and if they can hang, then great. If not, they don't usually come back. He doesn't slug them.

I just wanted him to know there is so much more to the art of kempo/kenpo then what he has been shown.

Well, if he hasn't had to get punched before getting to brown belt, then what has he learned? If taking a punch constitutes "much More" than he'd experienced, then he must train in the McDojo of all time.

I will be in RENO NV. this weekend. for that gathering.


Maybe I just did not word what I was trying to say right?
But I Did not SLUG the person he made the comments about how he hits and can take a hit. I asked him to show me. he did. It was not good.
i then showed him how I feel kempo /kenpo should be able to hit and he could not handle it at a lower end hit.

I dont feel he is a brown belt. but thats me, maybe others out there would say he is good. everyone has different standers.

I was just adding i will be in RENO NV for the Gathering this year and its this weekend. Hanshi Juchnik puts this on. last years event was truly great. I plan on taking a Kujukenbo seminar this weekend out there.
I will post who did the seminar when i get back next week.

I also plan on going to a shiatsu seminar, and many others along with playing texas hold'em and just having a great time training.

Maybe I just did not word what I was trying to say right?
But I Did not SLUG the person he made the comments about how he hits and can take a hit. I asked him to show me. he did. It was not good.
i then showed him how I feel kempo /kenpo should be able to hit and he could not handle it at a lower end hit.

I dont feel he is a brown belt. but thats me, maybe others out there would say he is good. everyone has different standers.

I was just adding i will be in RENO NV for the Gathering this year and its this weekend. Hanshi Juchnik puts this on. last years event was truly great. I plan on taking a Kujukenbo seminar this weekend out there.
I will post who did the seminar when i get back next week.

I also plan on going to a shiatsu seminar, and many others along with playing texas hold'em and just having a great time training.


Who's puting on the Kajukenbo seminar?
he got tooled by purple and blue belts at my school.


How exactly did he get tooled? Was it in sparring? Was it in his ability, or lack thereof, in executing his self defense techs and kata? Was it self defense scenarios?

If it was sparring, was it tournament tag, or something else? was it a type of sparring he might not have been familiar with?

More details, please...
I do not have the list of people teaching this weekend. I will get the names of the people i train with this weekend. and what I take for seminars. I will also take some photos and send them to Master Bendell
to post here on Martial talk. have a great day as my school day ends at 2:03 pm. I will be back on in the am.
