Does your school teach elbow energy...

While many lineages deviate from each other in many ways, most of the ones I've observed have emphasized the use of the elbow. After all, there is more to a punch than just the hand. If you think that a punch begins and ends with your fist, you will never generate the right amount of power.


however I started the thread because I have come across schools that don't emphasize this concept in section 1 of the siu lim tao (3 fook sau section) and make no mention of practicing this slowly. Instead its practiced purely as a strength building exercise for the forearms which i found strange. We've always been told to practice is slowly and relaxed focusing on nothing but the elbow.

however I started the thread because I have come across schools that don't emphasize this concept in section 1 of the siu lim tao (3 fook sau section) and make no mention of practicing this slowly. Instead its practiced purely as a strength building exercise for the forearms which i found strange. We've always been told to practice is slowly and relaxed focusing on nothing but the elbow.

Well, we do the three fook-sau extentions with a certain degree of elastic tension to stretch and strengthen the wrist and forearm, but that in no way means that we don't also emphasize the importance orf the elbow.

Also, we usually don't do the slow version of the saam pai fut movements in class. Time is just too short. That's on the student to do at home.

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