Does size matter in sparing

This reminds me of a thread we have going in the LLR! Yes size definitely matters! :uhyeah: Especially in martial arts - that is with two people of equal ability and experience. Initially, reach is an advantage. However if a smaller opponent learns to use their speed and agility to avoid the long reach of a tall person and learns to move in on them more, and slip and evade more, it is possible for the smaller person to learn to rule the ring! :)
Royler Gracie is one of the best fighters in the world and weighs 143 lbs. The right techniques were made to offset the size/strength factor.
sasquatchnaruto said:
you have to remember some things about sparring

speed wins, not strength- smaller guys have smaller distances to travel when fighting, thus they are faster in a sense.

Dont mind me, but I though speed only matters until your at really close fighting stat. I'm quoting somebody else here, but I think that sort of goes against my Wing Chung training I'm not sure, just confused now :idunno:
Speed vs Strength. Given a choice I'd take both. Which one is most to your benefit will depend on the rules or lack of rules and the conditions. In general strength will beat speed unless the strong person is too slow or the fast person is extremely skilled. Take Bob Sapp for instance, the last time I saw him he was not very skilled but was none the less a formidable opponent. Personally I'm getting older and thus slower and weaker a bad combination. Now I try to learn to be more precise and sneakier. C'est la vie.

Jeff :asian:
you do need a happy medium between strength and speed. we all need to try and be balenced fighters not jsut relying on just speed or just sheer strength. when I was fightingt he big guy i just had difficulty reaching him, he kept pushing away with that big leg.....i needed to step over. and slam him with a round house...did I do, cause the guy played his role as tall thick dude really well...ack I lost by one point...GRRRR....anyways i will get um next time. Anywho keep a clear mind and keep moving witht he big around him
TigerWoman said:
Size, of course, matters. A 6'4" guy had leg reach and well as arm reach over the smaller person. I have to spar such a person and usually I'm always in range for him but he is out of range for me. So I have to get in close to fake or jam him and even though I'm 5'7" and very flexible, I still have an very hard time getting to his head plus he has higher arms blocking. Besides his sheer mass has an advantage too, if he did a hard side kick on me, I fly against the wall. (and used to) Also its easy for him to lift just a little and not use as much effort to kick as I am a lower target. For me he is a much higher target, and I have to work harder to get past his defenses. I also have to hit harder to have much impact. The only thing I think that really works well, I can't do. A floor sweep... the bigger they are, the harder they fall... :D TW

Im the same size and my frequent partner is 6'5" and weighs 260lbs. The only way I have any chance with my little friend is to evade and counter, or sweep and take down. Those real long legs make an excellent target. :EG: I get him down to where I can pretty much out grapple him most of the time. I used to get right in his kitchen and jam him and fight in close... then he caught on and now I can't get away with it as much as I used to. :rolleyes: The only real effective way for me is the sweep and Tae Sabaki movement.
Don't stay in his prime kicking range. If you take away the legs thats half the battle.
A lot of it depends on the matchup. I'm 5'11", and I've sparred people ~6'5", and against most they were fairly uh, "beefy". When the taller guy's slow, it's not much of a contest. I can just evade or intercept at will. When I hit a big guy who's got good power and quickness, I have my work cut out for me. All I can really do is get in close and tie up their legs that way while punching 'em a lot. If they're strong enough to just push me around when I'm inside... Obnoxious situation. Usually resort to counterhits. Smaller opponents are somehwat easier to deal with simply because I have a reach advantage and they have to work harder to block my stuff than I do to block theirs. It they're zipping around evading, they better have good conditioning. ;)
Well seeings as my instructor is much much smaller than me and I'm 5'7 I certainly wouldn't want to upset him as I have been on the receiving end of his punches, very fast and powerful!
Whats the point of a small person learning a Martial Art if he or she can't apply it to larger and taller people!
Anything that affects how you fight or spar matters. Size included. Not saying that because you are tall or short that you will automatically be better or worse, but size is a factor in how you will need to fight, therefore it matters.

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