Mark Weiser said:
1.) The diet you are referring to was not to set apart a people but was to ensure that the Hebrew people were the healthiest and strongest people in the area.
Agree, that is why I said protect as well as set apart.
Mark Weiser said:
2.) Your correct Gentiles meaning Non-Jewish are not required to keep the Kosher diet.
Ah, I love common ground!
Mark Weiser said:
3.) Excuse me where did you come up with that the Torah was the presentation of HaShem's perfection?
Christian perspective. Old Testament establishes the law and the law shows God's plan and how mankind fails to live up to the standard.
Mark Weiser said:
4.) You need to go back and restudy the Torah there were more than one way for the atonement of sins. The was intentional and unintentional sin for both a person and Israel. Also there is more than one festival that deals with atonement.
No argument, I am aware of the sin offering and the guilt offering. I was referring to the once a year sacrifice, the Day of Atonement.
Mark Weiser said:
5.) Judgement? okay I have to ask is that the christian way of thinking on judgement or would you want the orginal text about what is the outcome of atonement it is not to cover but to wipe away completely. Once atoned you never have to worry about it again hence no guilt.
Well, my understanding is that there will be a day when I have to make an account before God of everything I have done in this life. God will then judge me. By myself, I will stand condemned of breaking God's laws (some small, some large) and therefore I will be impure and of my own actions not worthy to be with God. However, because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus, those sins are wiped away completely.
Mark Weiser said:
6.) The priniciple of grace started back in genesis if you study the original Hebrew text and its translation you will see that HaShem showed us what grace is and how to live that way with others around us.
True, grace is woven throughout, I agree. Again Christian perspective is that grace is what the NT is all about.
Mark Weiser said:
7.) One has to understand what is meant by sin. The Christian way of seeing sin is different than what the Jewish mindset sees sin as.
Sin = disobedience to God's law / way of life.
Mark Weiser said:
8.) Of course we can study and debate the shedding of blood and a offering of a human body for sins for the so called sin offering. How the Torah tells us that blood is not neccessary for atonement of sin.
I am going by Exodus 30:10; "Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns. This annual atonement must be made with the blood of the atoning sin offering for the generations to come. It is most holy to the Lord."
Mark Weiser said:
9.) There is no such animal as a Jewish Christian.
*grin* The original disciples were Jewish (both religion and race), they and many others believed that Jesus was / is the Messiah, therefore, my statement about Jewish Christians. I think the term more commonly used today is Messianic Jews. I suppose I could also say Hebrew Christians or Israeli (sp) Christians, but in the vernacular of the time, they were Jewish.
Mark Weiser said:
10.) I am not not going to tell you what is wrong with using this passage in Matthew unless you want me too and we can start another thread to discuss this issue.
Feel free to do so, I am always open to learning something I didn't know. My reference is simply to point out it isn't a matter of what food you eat that determines your standing in God's eyes, but it is all a matter of what you do, think, and say.
I also apologize to the crowd and moderators, as I fear I have derailed / hijacked / ganked a thread. I humbly ask your indulgence. *bow*
See what your shrimp did HHJH!