Does Anyone have the BB channel?


Purple Belt
Founding Member
Hi All,

My new TV provider is offering the Black Belt Channel. Do any of you guys have it, and is it worth paying extra for? Is the programming just old MA movies or something new and novel?

Hi All,

My new TV provider is offering the Black Belt Channel. Do any of you guys have it, and is it worth paying extra for? Is the programming just old MA movies or something new and novel?


Like old movies would be bad?

I always say "One of the cool parts about a hobby like 'martial arts' is that you can watch some of the funnest, dumbest movies ever made and justify it as 'research' "
Hmm... hadn't heard of that one... I'll have to check now. Thanks for the heads-up!
Hi All,

My new TV provider is offering the Black Belt Channel. Do any of you guys have it, and is it worth paying extra for? Is the programming just old MA movies or something new and novel?


Haven't heard of it, I'm interested in it though and anxious to hear if anyone else has heard about it.
I would love to see that. Never heard of it myself. I will prolly never get to see it b/c I am in Korea and only get AFN (Air Force Network) and when I get to Germany, that will prolly be all that I get there too. Very interested in it tho.
Do you have any more information on that channel? I tried looking it up, but could not find anything under "black belt channel" or "black belt network"
Hey all, I just googled this and YES it is going to be on cable. 24hrs of martial arts!!! There is a listing on there website of all the, charter for example are on there. heres the site....... Have fun!

Click on "Get Black Belt TV" for the listing of providers!
Never heard of it but now that I know it exists I plan on making this world a living hell for my cable company till they add it on as a basic cable channel!
Hey all, I just googled this and YES it is going to be on cable. 24hrs of martial arts!!! There is a listing on there website of all the, charter for example are on there. heres the site....... Have fun!

Click on "Get Black Belt TV" for the listing of providers!
Very interesting. I checked and my local provider supposedly has them, but a search of my local providers programming said they did not. Will try giving them a call. Thanks for the link!
If I upgrade my sports package, it is supposed to have it as one of their channels. I plan on ordering it and I'll fill you guys in.


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