Does anybody else sweat like crazy?

Yeah, I sweat quite a bit, in a very feminine way of course..

Since we are talking about sweat, I have a question. Why is it when some people sweat it is yellow?? we have a few guys that sweat a lot but thier Gi's go yellow.

One of those guys is Tom, he also has a slimy affect, when he is all sweaty and we try to grab in we just slid right off the sucker, and he smells BAAAAD.
Sarah said:
Since we are talking about sweat, I have a question. Why is it when some people sweat it is yellow?? we have a few guys that sweat a lot but thier Gi's go yellow.

One of those guys is Tom, he also has a slimy affect, when he is all sweaty and we try to grab in we just slid right off the sucker, and he smells BAAAAD.

Usually, the yellow's the result of the anti persprant they're wearing staining the dobok. Can't begin to speculate on what's going on with Tom in that case though anti persperant doesn't typically make you smell worse... (Well, unless you're using Old Spice.)
Rich Parsons said:
Hmm I thought pigs did not sweat and therefore used the mudd to help keep them cool. I could be wrong though. Now if one means I sweat and stink like a pig, and the phrase has been shortened to Sweat like a pig, then I guess it is just slang. ;)
Sweat like a race horse, how about?

Sweat that bad, I do.

Sarah said:
Since we are talking about sweat, I have a question. Why is it when some people sweat it is yellow?? we have a few guys that sweat a lot but thier Gi's go yellow.
Black Gi we wear, I am glad. :jedi1:

I will take a stab at it... I am going to guess that it has something to do with the chemical composition of the sweat and it's reaction to the Gi. If it is underneath the arms, it very well could be deoderant staining...

Sarah said:
One of those guys is Tom, he also has a slimy affect, when he is all sweaty and we try to grab in we just slid right off the sucker, and he smells BAAAAD.
Wow! I won't comment...:eek:
ginshun said:
I consider myself to be in reletively good shape, as least as good as most of the people in my classes, I am 6'2 and weight 190lbs, but I swear I sweat twice as much as anyone I know.

I can train for hours on end, but after about 10 minutes, I am drenched in sweat. Not that there is a point to this or anything, I suppose that I am just proclaiming myself to be a big sweaty man. LOL.

Maybe I should consider myself lucky, if I ever need to cut weight, I'm in like flin!
I sweat like crazy in class; there's maybe 4 or 5 guys, all over 30, that really, really become diaphoretic, including me. As for vitals, I'm 6'1" and 170 lbs.

On a personal level, I noted I started sweating more in my late 20's ...I'm also in the better shape now than I have ever been.

Age? Fitness level? Gender? Genetics? Probably a combination of all those.
Several of our group do prespire profusely when training hard within the first 5-10 minutes. Others almost never break a sweat, though it does not appear they are training very hard. I would suspect any that train hard would become damp within a few minutes. It also must be related to the person's ability to dissapate heat. I tend to overheat and enjoy cooler weather below 75*F. Some who I know train hard do not need the evaporation to help them cool and do tend to remain more dry. I therefore infer there is a combination between effort and physiology of efficient heat dissipation that controls the event.
I sweat like I'm running for my life! I was the only guy that was always drenched until a couple of months ago, so now I have a "partner in grime!"
Gemini said:
Okay, now this is interesting. How do you know the quality of sweat?
(honestly curious. Not being a smart a$$ here)
Having not done any testing myself I can't get specific about what all they test for, but I believe that they check what you are sweating out and the quanity of each compound. Things like electrolite content, toxins, etc. It is my understanding that several Universities have done this to help in the creation of better supplements for their athletes.

I suppose that if you wanted to check the quality of the sweat that you are producing you should volunteer for some testing. Contact a local university that has a good biochemistry and sports nutrition program. They will surely be able to point you in the right direction.
Sarah said:
Since we are talking about sweat, I have a question. Why is it when some people sweat it is yellow?? we have a few guys that sweat a lot but thier Gi's go yellow.
, when he is all sweaty and we try to grab in we just slid right off the sucker, and he smells BAAAAD.
Most likely the yellow sweat that you are talikng about is due to a level of dehydration. He has little water to distill the electrolites that his skin is letting go. The smell is also linked to dehydration in that his nitrate level is high in comparison to the level of water in his body.

The smell is normally very bad in people who take multi-pack vitamins and don't take in very much water.
searcher said:
Having not done any testing myself I can't get specific about what all they test for, but I believe that they check what you are sweating out and the quanity of each compound. Things like electrolite content, toxins, etc. It is my understanding that several Universities have done this to help in the creation of better supplements for their athletes.

I suppose that if you wanted to check the quality of the sweat that you are producing you should volunteer for some testing. Contact a local university that has a good biochemistry and sports nutrition program. They will surely be able to point you in the right direction.
Thanks for the info (I flood the place on a regular basis...)
Marginal said:
Usually, the yellow's the result of the anti persprant they're wearing staining the dobok. Can't begin to speculate on what's going on with Tom in that case though anti persperant doesn't typically make you smell worse... (Well, unless you're using Old Spice.)
When I worked in machine shop I was constantly in and around different oils. No matter how long of a hot shower I took before class, the oils always seemed to release from my skin when i began to sweat. A had a constant problem with dark stain on a white gi top
The Kai said:
When I worked in machine shop I was constantly in and around different oils. No matter how long of a hot shower I took before class, the oils always seemed to release from my skin when i began to sweat. A had a constant problem with dark stain on a white gi top
Yeah, i had worked in a machine shop...did you use CNC?
Actually a little bit. I was Bar Stock (trust me it's not what you think) Where you would cut the metal into slugs for the CNC's
searcher said:
The smell is normally very bad in people who take multi-pack vitamins and don't take in very much water.

This caught my attention. Is this problem a common one for those who take multi-vitamins? I don't take them, but I *WAS* considering the possibility of purchasing multis; I wasn't sure if the benefits would help me with my martial arts if I did. The side effect of bad odor doesn't appeal to me, so I may bypass the idea of taking multi-vitamins.

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
This caught my attention. Is this problem a common one for those who take multi-vitamins? I don't take them, but I *WAS* considering the possibility of purchasing multis; I wasn't sure if the benefits would help me with my martial arts if I did. The side effect of bad odor doesn't appeal to me, so I may bypass the idea of taking multi-vitamins.

- Ceicei
A single multi- is a very good thing. Where you run into a problem is with the little packets of concentrated vitamins. The multi packs are still good, but most people don't take in enough water. 8-10 glasses is just not enough.
Do you always smell when you sweat? What in particular makes it smell? I never understood that! I'm under-educated in this department!

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