Does anybody else sweat like crazy?

I thought that sweat, had a sailine smell. that actual BO was the result of sweat interacting with the skin and other stuff on the skin.
Ah go to the link above! I've taken it from there, kindly given by Crom. Thank you Crom!

[font=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial,san-serif][/font][font=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial,san-serif]Why do some people smell worse than others?[/font]

[font=Verdana,Helvetica,Arial,san-serif]Some peopleÂ’s apocrine glands are bigger and more active than others. Similarly, some of us have more tenacious skin bacteria. Some people may find that they sweat much more than normal, a condition known as hyperhydrosis. Certain unusual-smelling body odours are symptoms of more serious complaints.[/font]
I don't sweat that easily. It takes at least 40 minutes of hard training for me to drench a shirt. Sometimes I can go through a complete weight lifting session and barely break a sweat. Others like today 2 miles on the treadmill and just started to sweat. :idunno: I like to sweat, I think it means I had a good session. :)
jfarnsworth said:
I don't sweat that easily. It takes at least 40 minutes of hard training for me to drench a shirt. Sometimes I can go through a complete weight lifting session and barely break a sweat. Others like today 2 miles on the treadmill and just started to sweat. :idunno: I like to sweat, I think it means I had a good session. :)
Yes, but have you ever Blood, Sweat, and Tears?
I have shed enough blood on the wrestling mat more than I care to want to remember.
Sweat - :) A lot of sweat over the years.
Tears - Yes, again in my senior year when I was bumped one match away from the state tournament. Actually all four years when I beat state placers and qualifiers from the previous years but yet lost in that last match before making it to any finals all four years. Also beating the guy one weight class under me for 4 years on the mat and watch him get to the state tourney twice and place once. Talk about a slap in the face. :asian:
jfarnsworth said:
I have shed enough blood on the wrestling mat more than I care to want to remember.
Sweat - :) A lot of sweat over the years.
Tears - Yes, again in my senior year when I was bumped one match away from the state tournament. Actually all four years when I beat state placers and qualifiers from the previous years but yet lost in that last match before making it to any finals all four years. Also beating the guy one weight class under me for 4 years on the mat and watch him get to the state tourney twice and place once. Talk about a slap in the face. :asian:
Hmmn, Blood, Sweat, & Tears, sounds like a song or group.
Its always been a running joke with me in my dojo about the amount I sweat whilst training.
It dont bother me, I just keep a towel handy to wipe myself whenever I can, and also the wooden floors, which get very slippery!
Actually I have the opposite effect. I barely sweat at all. My friends make fun of me for it but it's rare to see me sweat alot. Don't get me wrong, I sweat, but when other people are sweating buckets, I'm barely wiping my eyebrows.

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