Does any one of these men deserve your vote?


I have not watched any of the political debates so far ... I believe it is entirely too early. And, that Wolf Blitzer seems to be speaking more than any of the candidates is predictable and unfortunate.

However, during the most recent Republican Debate, at Saint A's in Manchester, each of the Republican Presidential Candidates was asked:

Do you think it would be appropriate for President Bush to pardon Lewis 'Scooter' Libby?"

You will recall that Mr. Libby was tried and convicted of Obstruction of Justice, and Perjury. He was involved in, at some level, the exposure of a covert Central Intelligence Agency operative. His obstruction of justice prevented a true accounting of the depth of criminal activity.

How did the candidates respond?
  • Hunter : To make a determination on that, you'd have to look at the transcript.
  • Gilmore : I'm steeped in the law. I wouldn't do that.
  • Brownback : No, not without reading the transcript.
  • Huckabee : Not without reading the transcript.
  • McCain : He's going through an appeal process. We've got to see what happens here.
  • Guiliani : sentence was grossly excessive. {He} would see if it fit the criteria for pardon. I'd wait for the appeal.
  • Romney : {Prosecutor}clearly abused his prosecutorial discretion {and had mounted} a political vendetta. It's worth looking at that....I'd keep that option open.
  • Thompson : said the sentence was "not fair" and that he would "examine the record."
  • Tancredo : yes.
Not one put forth the fact that the President's pardon authority is absolute in the Constitution, and if the current, or some future President decided to Pardon Mr. Libby, it would be Constitutional.

But, this doesn't seem to say a lot for the candidates of the Party of "Law and Order" (three cheers for Gilmore - he got it right). Ironically, Fred Thompson had much to say after the debate, but he is biased, as a principle in the Libby Defense Fund. (Also, I see not comment from Ron Paul - wonder where he is on this).
During the last debate, the RNC stuck Ron Paul in the shadowing corner and asked him five minutes worth of questions. Meanwhile, the so called front runners had at least three times as much time to talk.

One gets the feeling that the media wants to pick the guy with the biggest warchest so they can reap the spoils of american political compaigns.

On the other hand, I say let those bozos talk more. Everytime they open their mouths, they hang themselves.
All of those cock-sockets except for McCain, who seems to be self-destructing in other amusing ways, absolutely failed the acid test. They are not willing to uphold the Constitution. During the first or second debate they were falling all over themselves trying to puff out their little chests in Jack Bauer poses over who was most eager to wipe their butts with the First, Fourth, Fifth and especially Eighth Ammendments. Anyone who supports disappearances, secret prisons and torture is morally unfit to hold any position of power let alone the Presidency.

Representative Paul is a loon in certain ways. That hard core large-L Libertarian streak is somewhat pathological. But at least he seems to be honest, thoughtful and speak in something besides RNC Talking Point sound bites. If it were him andSenator Clinton I might vote for a Republican for President for the first time. But the fact that he has principles, doesn't toe the Party line and cares about real issues makes him dangerous. So the Party is muzzling him, not unlike Howard Dean or Dennis Kucinich among the Democrats.
Looks like I'm going to go for the Richard Pryor vote (from Brewster's Millions)... "None of the Above!"
I reckon, for me, it will be another one of those "lesser or two (or more) evils" votes again... Which one would I prefer to be in office less? Vote against that one.

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