Documentary: Empty Hand - The Real Karate Kids

I am probably going to compete in a tourney for the first time later this year and that's the kind of thing that really frustrates me. It's kind of too bad that there's no non-points way to win, like by KO, that takes it out of hands of the judges.

If you get a chance to take a judging and referee class, it is an eye opening experience. We regularly practice both judging and refereeing and it's not an easy job. It makes you appreciate how difficult it is to identify a good strike and equally how to identify a good block, especially at higher levels where things happen soooo fast. As a competitor, it gives you a much greater appreciation for how difficult it is for the judges which in turn makes you realize that if you want to win then your technique, timing, and speed must be excellent. The better you are, the easier you make it for the judges to see what you are doing. Dont get hit. Dont even come close to getting hit. And when you strike make it fast and clean.
I think it emphasizes the sport aspect and win/loose aspect in some ways that I do not necessarily agree with. one I do NOT like the sports that are practically religions, and two, I respect some one who trains hard more then some one who may be very talented at the sport aspect and have trophies. I have known men who would never win at a tournement, and really not be interested in the first place, who would be very effective in self defense situations. I do not want that original intent and use to be put to far in the back ground.

That said, I like what I heard about gracious winning, and good sportsmanship and teaching people to have character and heart. So I think I would like to see it, but not sure I am the audience they are aiming at.
This documentary looks good!

"Protect Traditional Karate...Strive To Reach The Essence Of Goju Ryu...Never Give Up"
Where can it be streamed from??

"Protect Traditional Karate...Strive To Reach The Essence Of Goju Ryu...Never Give Up"
Just found this trailer. Apparently these guys have done another documentary, this time on Fumio Demura:

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