Phoenix44 said:Wrong. You've signed over all your medical information to your insurance company...every claims reviewer, utilization reviewer, clerk and telephone operator.
Do you think they're bound by the same oath as your attending physician?
Try applying for life insurance. Courtesy of your health insurer, your medical information is an open book.
HIPA codes restrict who the insurance industry can give your info to. They wouldn't even give me my own info! Claims reviewers, clerks and telephone operators are only privilaged to the billing code for any proceedure (although that code is somewhat discriptive, it is a code that groups proceedures into large vague catagories), not any info that is specific to the proceedure. If there is a claim judgement to be made, it must go through a doctor, as only a doctor is considered qualified personel to make those decisions. As he is a licensed MD he is still bound by the oath. It's all in the insurance company's privacy policy and the federal laws.