Do you want to pay more taxes?

Do you want to pay higher taxes

  • Yes.

  • No.

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That is what I wonder, for those who vote yes, or are afraid to vote yes on the poll, or just don't vote on it because I did the poll (completely understandable), why don't you send the government more money? You can, no one will stop you. Why don't you? You could easily give 50 -70 percent of your income, no problem. Why not?
Yes, I have heard the tax thing is lower as well but that is because a lot of people lost a lot of money just recently and a lot of people have lost jobs. G.E. paid no taxes because they own the right politicians, in particular the one in the white house. Raising taxes will not effect G.E. Raising taxes hits the middle class because the corporations pass on the tax increases. Besides, I think 16% is more than enough for anyone to pay the government. Let's get G.E. to pay that and things will be better. The lower the tax rate, to a point, the more money the government gets, been tried several times and it works each time.
. G.E. paid no taxes because they own the right politicians, in particular the one in the white house. Raising taxes will not effect G.E. Raising taxes hits the middle class because the corporations pass on the tax increases. Besides, I think 16% is more than enough for anyone to pay the government. Let's get G.E. to pay that and things will be better. The lower the tax rate, to a point, the more money the government gets, been tried several times and it works each time.

No, no, no, no, no.

G.E. paid no taxes because they bought loopholes that allowed them to maintain profit offshore-in other countries-without repatriating them back to the U.S. Ever. Said loopholes came into effect before the President-who G.E.'s president, Jeff Immelt, did support-came into office. In fact, Obama says he wants to end such loopholes, and is opposed by many conservatives on this-though I believe that it's largely rhetoric on Obama's part, anyway.
No, the rich do not pay thier fair share. That is a fallacy perpetuated to keep the effective median tax rate for the rich at 16%. What is your tax rate guys? I'm betting you pay more than 16%. I know I do. As for corporations, a 0% tax rate is just stupid, especially if they are recieving government funds as well.

Something to think about. Tax rates on the rich are the lowest since the 1950's. If low tax rates on the rich excelerated growth of the middle class, we should have seen this in the last 30 years. Instead we have seen the rich get richer, corporations with record median profits, and the middle class working harder for less pay. The math does not add up.

well, it has been proven in the last 30 years that giving the uber rich more play money does not result in more jobs.
Or giving big corporations more money, it only gives the uber rich more money and the jobs are outsourced to India and China..

It is however well known that the most jobs are created in small/medium companies, run by the middle class people....a vanishing class....

Seems we are headed back to an era in which the wealthy live well, and the rest server them cocktails by the pool....
If my country were as completely ****ed up as yours, economically?

Wait, that would be comparing apples and oranges.

In Canada, tax dollars generally do go to infrastructure, healthcare, etc. (and, at last, military expenditures)

In the US, tax dollars go to legislators pet projects and an overly bloated and inefficiently run military.

My answer would probably confuse you.

In my country, yes.

In your country, I would just as soon forcibly insert a 9mm hollowpoint inside the taxman's head.
Something to bear in mind, as outlined in this excellent little econometrics relevant article on the BBC, is that small amounts over the longer term make for a bigger difference than trying to 'correct' matters with fewer, bigger, payments:

Small increments of tax used to pay down the debt will make a more sensible way of attacking the problem than slashing services and investment in the short term.
Something to bear in mind, as outlined in this excellent little econometrics relevant article on the BBC, is that small amounts over the longer term make for a bigger difference than trying to 'correct' matters with fewer, bigger, payments:

Small increments of tax used to pay down the debt will make a more sensible way of attacking the problem than slashing services and investment in the short term.
Agreed, however present taxes are being used to pay off the interest of the debt owed... so there's no way to catch up irregardless unless the interest is forgiven. Why people still think the "Federal Reserve" is a branch of the government is still a mystery. It's a private bank and has NO ties to the U.S. governement except to loan money, which they're happy to do. Especially now since Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling to 2 trillion dollars.

I swear anyone who votes for Obama this next election should have their head examined.
Such a huge disappointment that such a great speaker of change for the better turned out no better than the previous men before him. Sigh.
From one of my other threads, but relevant here...

[h=2]:asian: My thoughts on taxes...[/h]
Here we go...

If you pay:

0%--- you are at the truly needy and the truly greedy level. at this rate life has either given you a really, really bad hand or you may have made some really bad decisions with your life...or you are one of the truly greedy, one of the people who cheats and steals and really doesn't pay their fair of the burden of society, and should be caught and put in jail.

1%-14%---this is the area where you find a lot of the people who pay at this range complaining that the people who pay more than they do aren't paying their fair share. An example would be the Kennedy family and the Kerrys.

15%-20%---THE GOLD STANDARD, IF YOU ARE PAYING THIS YOU ARE PAYING YOUR FAIR SHARE FOR SOCIETY, this is the area where all the people who complain about partisanship and not getting along with the other side should be getting along with the other side. This 5% spread is the real area for negotiation between the two political parties. Conservatives could easily agree with these rates in a flat tax and "get along" with the democrats. It will never happen because this level is way too low for the democrats in congress.

21%-49% this is the area where you have excessive taxation, WITH representation, and the federal government becomes slowly more oppressive and the citizen starts to lose more and more economic and political freedom.

50%--YOU HAVE NOW ENTERED INTO AN ORGANIZED CRIME FAMILY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT. They are now your unwanted 50-50 partner in your life and as long as you pay you don't get hurt. Who would ever think that giving the government half of what you earn through your labor, lack of regular sleep, listening to your bosses or bossing your employees, is fair. The politicians become little different than Tony Soprano at this level of taxation.

51%-59% The crime boss is becoming more and more greedy and is about to kill the goose. Don't worry, when your business fails, the government will be there for the fire sale, and then move on to the next business. Atlas at this point has developed a really bad muscle cramp between his shoulders at this point.

60%---YOU HAVE NOW ENTERED INTO A SLAVE/MASTER RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT. At this point the government is really keeping more than it's fair share and you are its slave. It doesn't matter what your lifestyle may be, several houses, cars, kids in a nice private school, you are now owned by the government because you no longer have a controlling share of your income, for real. Atlas is down on one knee at this point and his muscles are trembling.

61%-99% How high this rate goes simply determines if your master is a kind one or a cruel one. Also, this is where the government starts needing new laws about leaving the country, more guards on the border and you start to sharpen your pitchfork and light your torch. Atlas has dropped the sky bowl with his shrug and stands up straight for the first time in a long time.

100%---You begin to march toward the seat of your master, your state or federal capital, and Atlas is by your side with a bright and shiny new sword. His goal is Mt. Olympos and the politicians who live there. Atlas is going to get some pay back and it will not be pretty.

My quick thoughts on the different levels of taxation. Please, don't hesitate to comment.:soapbox:​