Do you know of good Sumo instructionals?


2nd Black Belt

I've been looking into integrating sumo-inspired training methods to experiment in my aikido training. I'd like to see whether such methods would bring a valuable addition to my training in terms of conditioning, grounding and learning to deal with resistance and timing. The reason I'm investigating sumo over other forms of wrestling (that would be more accessible) is that the big names of daito-ryu and aikido had some form of background in sumo and it is highly likely that sumo has played a decisive role in the creation of daito-ryu so I'm trying to explore that root.

I could get my teacher on the mat and spar with him under the sumo ruleset but I'd like to know more about the technicalities of the art. What I'm after are instructionals (such as videos) detailing training methods and techniques, for experimentation purposes. Do you have any clues? Thanks!
I don't have anything useful to provide (though that will never stop me from posting in a thread :D) - I just wanted to ask that you share your thoughts as you explore in this. I know nearly nothing about Sumo, and would be interested in hearing any conclusions or theories you come up with from this exploration.
I'd love to see a good Sumo tutorial. I've watched enough to get a little bit of a sense for the technique, but I'm sure that there's a whole lot more that I'm missing.
I'll keep you posted, even though technical resources are scarce on the internet.

Sumo skills by Thomas Zabel seems to be the go-to guide for conditioning and technique but if I have to spend 40€ on a book it's not at the top of my list. The closest cheaper alternative would be Sumo for Mixed Martial Arts by Andrew Zerling for whom I can't find any credentials. Might try that one since it's cheap...

Otherwise, youtube has few instructionals but I've found this (how's your Portuguese? :P ):


Is there any similarity to the Mongolian wrestling? They all have similar body build. One round decide the winner.

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Yes, in fact there are several wrestlers that crossed from Mongolian wrestling to sumo with great success. It is also similar to Korean ssireum, to a certain extent:

Wrestling looks so fun, no wonder the game has emerged in almost all cultures (I can think of African and traditional European forms as well). I'll definitely find a way to play it too! :D

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