Do you know me? Time to Play The Game.

I just recently made up my own!! It's a TKD-Aikido-Bagua combo.


Xue Sheng and TKDGirl, wanna make a Sokeship council?
Do you two (?) have a problem with someone on this forum?
Those to whom I have issue with know it quite well, though the intellect of this forums members I find to be quite superior to those elsewhere who are incapable of even a rudimentary understanding of that which I debate.

Your suggestion that it might be mr. Exile however is far off the mark. I harbor no issue with him.
Consider the riddle of whom I speak, to be a game to play should the family bore and the turkey be weak and not encourage the nap. :lol:

Here is a hint or two. Five were site members. Two were not, but were the subject of numerous heated discussions, both here and elsewhere.
It's Time To Play The Game......
It's Time To Play The Game......
Play The Game!

Do you know me?

Yes. Dr. Zoidberg has done wonders with you.

I served in Vietnam. Or maybe I was decorated on Gold or Sword. Maybe I rode with Pershing, or maybe I'm just back from the Sand. Either way I'm a 10th dan.

Do you know me?

Every ******* who has lied or fabricated a military background to wow sheep who don't know any better or who are too stupid to do background checks before shelling out cash.

I've been triple banned. Booted from all the friendly lands. Now I live in my own place, shiny and happy. Either way I'm a 10th dan.

Do you know me?

Every scum sucking nut rider who's been banned from this site for being a full on wank?

I'm a doctor, minted and buff. Don't ask me where I got it, cuz I'm the real stuff. Dig too deep and I'll stomp and I'll snort, either way, I'm a 10th dan.
Do you know me?

Ohh Ohh Ohh. Too fracking easy! Give me a harder one. 3 come to mind.

POOF! I appear! Sekaret scrolls passed down from ghosts of the past. You aren't worthy, take my word for it. Believe or debunk, either way, I'm a 10th dan.

Do you know me?

Tew easy man. You have to have your Dux in a row to get it though. I'll be in Koga if you need me.

Question not, or sue you I will. My word is law, yours is but a lie. Either way, I'm a 10th dan.

Do you know me?

Are you a wanna be Japanese or a wanna be Korean?

Bow down before Super Soke, triple dipped. I was knighted by Fed Ex, from the HQ in Missisip. No matter, the line it starts with me, what matters true definition when you're a 10th dan.

Sorry, i slipped on a banana there while checking on my train-by-video series.
Uhh, are you... Satan?

He wishes.

uhhh. Ok.

I think I get it. They are shots at all the typical "soke" archtypes. Military claims, titles of Dr., bogus scrolls etc. Right?

Thought we had them all taken oot back and shot somewhere between my third suspension and year in the sandbox?

I know! I know! It's me!

Now I sue you!


No, it's me it's ME! I'll counter-sue YOU!

You're both wrong. It's me!

It's Time To Play The Game......
It's Time To Play The Game......
Play The Game!

Do you know me?

Collage Man, Bred to Teach, no one really cares.

Grandmaster or Grandstander, no one really fears.

Soke bored, buffet bound, I daren't say.

Now it's time, the Game it shall be played.

Train by tape,

The art you rape

mail order master of nothing.

Keybored warrior, trapped in the closet.

Ageing wanna be

Claim to fame is fleeting.

Grab your stick, Grab your Gun,

Time now for some fun.

Assault and Battery

Hillery Slaterly

Two words now I'll say

Lets get ready.

Now lets get ready,

Time to play the game....
Time to play
Time to play
The Game.

PS "Mom and Dad, this is Chasey / Chasey, this is my mom and dad."

Now show them your boobies?
The return of Soke Calkins....... banned/exotic weapons/ Golden Dragon/10th dan.........

Last I saw he had 'invented' a companion version of 'sticky hands" - - - "sticky feet". No kidding - you can go look, but don't blame me for the nightmares.

Actually....isn't "Sticky Feet" what one get from frequenting certain movie theaters? Soryy, couldn't help it. hahaha.

Many blame a guy names Hefner for Sticky Hands.
If one has read enough current and past postings on this Internet site, the "whom" being referred to will become readily apparent in short order. Careful reading between the lines and an in depth perusal of this very topic area will immediately pay great dividends in revealing several names. A few have the most intriguing title "Seeking Tranquillity" by their names. One can only hope that in their exile they have indeed found that most elusive of things. I however, highly doubt it, suspecting that most of those thusly ejected from this site are incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions and instead blame all ills on others. A poor showing indeed, but one quite normal for those who must buy rank and title and recognition.

They couldn't find Tranquility if it knocked on their door wearing a shirt with the words "I Am Tranquility" on the front.

Also make sure to put ALL of the following in your signature. That is a sign of greatness.

-Soke (adding a number like Shodai Soke is even better)
-10th Dan
-Grand Master
-Master Instructor

-Jedi Knight
-Chosen One
-High Marshal
-Lord of the One Way
-God Emperor of the Known Universe

Check any message board member list and find dozens for your amusement!

Naming Names and Placing Blame Lead To Shame.

Four Horsemen Do Ride, 7 Victims They Find.

Do You Know Them? Do You Remember Them?

1 The Liar will rise, and lead by stick and bent knife. His service to country will be in question. Frogs will march in lockstep to his whim. When pressed for truth, muzzled you shall be, and in the land of the fool insanity will be king.

2 The Wanna Be is appear. Escaping before Exile, he will find his own way amongst the snakes, never a true Leader will he be. Hidden amongst the books, his path will be unremarkable, cutter of hair and author, many scree and decree will be his. From the shadows he will work, rejoicing in the pain of others.

3 The Impersonator will decend. A blind eye to his failings he shall have. Pen he shall place to paper and declare war against those who have no home he will. Firmly set in his ways, he will hear nothing, and all who ar enot with him are against him, viewed as weak and poorly. He will be meat for their blade.

4 From the Shadows will come a False Warrior. Riding with the Shark, he will use it's power to bring fear to those who see through him. In the city of Dallas, the false profit will be born. He will discover papers whose beginings lie in salt.

5 The Pact of Warsaw will see a warrior arise, bearing weapons of the future, and gold. A teacher of men, he will lead from the seat of a higher power, his past cloaked in mystery and untraceable shadow. He will be expelled from paridise after much anguish.

6 The lions will consume the ape, guardian of all things, and his bones will rot upon the carnes of the dead. Delusional, he will seek the abode of the damned, and entertain them, unaware that he is the bringer of laughter.

7 The brewer will pour a sour wine, his ingrediants confused. He will find many a door bared to him. In the mud pit he will find a new home, surounded by waste and void.

All Were Here. All Are Not. Some Are Still Here, Different Skin Do They Wear.

- NostraGameAss

1 Someone from Quebec?
2 Ok, who flunked basic reality?
3 You're too Sharp for me.
4 I know this one, but they might send a shark to bark at me.
5 Soapy!
6 Oh, it's my old friend, Monkey!
7 This can be anyone here who's spelling sucks.

Send my prize to me in the trench, care of PFC Baldrick. Pip Pip.
Naming Names and Placing Blame Lead To Shame.

The Pact of Warsaw will see a warrior arise, bearing weapons of the future, and gold. A teacher of men, he will lead from the seat of a higher power, his past cloaked in mystery and untraceable shadow. He will be expelled from paridise after much anguish.
Bruce Calkins of the Golden Dragon Dojo/church with his klingon bat`leth swords and other nonsense.
I still check his website now and then to see if there are any new photos and get a good laugh.

The lions will consume the ape, guardian of all things, and his bones will rot upon the carnes of the dead. Delusional, he will seek the abode of the damned, and entertain them, unaware that he is the bringer of laughter.

Monkey of the spelling error.

The brewer will pour a sour wine, his ingrediants confused. He will find many a door bared to him. In the mud pit he will find a new home, surounded by waste and void.
Probably still_learning
7 more fallen angels to see. All are now exiled from Paradise.

One bright of fame, living under a rising sun, will defend the Honor of the kingdom. Waging a holy war, he will flee the battlefield only to return in disgrace. His fall will be violent, from many a kingdom will he be exiled.

A son of three kingdoms will war against the ruling class, the bane of a queen of Goryeo. Venom will he spew, resolved to battle. Democracy will lead to his downfall.

From under a bridge will be felt a pressure, alle mas fights with po of ken. By the sword will she lead the lady to slaughter, scapegoat for another's sins.

From the Great Lakes comes an ill wind, from Superiors Sister rides a son of three kingdoms, he will hold fast the line. A changeling, two faced will he be. Struck down in mid fight, he will slink away.

The great treason will manifest itself, on a mission to lead a ground war. His weakness is the green stone from the dead world. His anger will lead to failure, the betrayer of secrets reviled.

The lord will wear a coat of pale red, his passions a fire. Coated in mud, he will frolic, rejoicing in discord. From the civilised lands will he be barred. By his side the big of head.

One entrusted to protect will become a pawn in civil war. In the place of the crab apple tree will he dwell. 18,710 acres will he roam. The Prime Minister will lead the way to disgrace.
They couldn't find Tranquility if it knocked on their door wearing a shirt with the words "I Am Tranquility" on the front.

Very True, So, Very, True.

1 Someone from Quebec?
2 Ok, who flunked basic reality?
3 You're too Sharp for me.
4 I know this one, but they might send a shark to bark at me.
5 Soapy!
6 Oh, it's my old friend, Monkey!
7 This can be anyone here who's spelling sucks.

Send my prize to me in the trench, care of PFC Baldrick. Pip Pip.

3-More I cannot Say.
7-True, but not.

Bruce Calkins of the Golden Dragon Dojo/church with his klingon bat`leth swords and other nonsense.
I still check his website now and then to see if there are any new photos and get a good laugh.

Monkey of the spelling error.

Probably still_learning

No one wants to take a guess? How sad.
One bright of fame, living under a rising sun, will defend the Honor of the kingdom. Waging a holy war, he will flee the battlefield only to return in disgrace. His fall will be violent, from many a kingdom will he be exiled.

If I where to quess I would venture that the persons initials are RR
come on folks someone must be able to answere these riddles

i am at a loss but want toknow the answeres so lets play the game