do ya'll do Aiki Jutsu?

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Hi folks. this seems like a really awesome art. How many of ya'll do it?? What's the Fighting part of it all about??

And do ya'll know of any clips i can find of it? Thanks.
There are many people claim to be teaching Aikijujutsu. But in reality there are not that many. What I have seen from others claiming to be teaching it, wouldn't consider calling Aikijujutsu. Closer to modern jujutsu. Many of them teach BJJ in it, or say you are doing a aikido lock. Basically it is classcal, Jujutsu. Most of the joint locks are to rip tendons, muscles, ligaments, break bones. It's nothing close to Brazilian Jiu jitsu. There is striking in it, kicks are usually limited and nothing done very high. Most of the time kicks are used as stuns. Hope this helps
For Real. Hey, sorry bout my abscense. i just didn't post.

yea. Aiki Jujitsu, Aikido, Jujitsu, it's all awesome.

ya'll like ya'lls schools?? Ya'll ever used some of this in the Real?? Good Stuff.

Josh said:
For Real. Hey, sorry bout my abscense. i just didn't post.

yea. Aiki Jujitsu, Aikido, Jujitsu, it's all awesome.

ya'll like ya'lls schools?? Ya'll ever used some of this in the Real?? Good Stuff.


I'm guessing that most people that keep to their art feel that it's the best, and fits their needs (self defence or other) best.

I tell you what i have never heard of aiki jutsu. Sounds cool whatever it is, would like to see some videos of it if there are any.
Good Stuff. Oh yea. Aiki Jujitsu is powerful stuff. It's nasty too. They do all kinds of stuff. They Hit hard, but from what i've seen, it's lots of awesome locks, throws, chokes, anything along that line. Fun Stuff. And yea, very useful.
Josh said:
Good Stuff. Oh yea. Aiki Jujitsu is powerful stuff. It's nasty too. They do all kinds of stuff. They Hit hard, but from what i've seen, it's lots of awesome locks, throws, chokes, anything along that line. Fun Stuff. And yea, very useful.

It is certainly applicable, since the time of its origins to today's times. I think of it more as beatiful rather than nasty though :D
If you can, try to find a video called Explosive Aikijujutsu, it is with Bernie Lau, Miguel Ybarra, and Roy Goldberg. Pretty good video with plenty of techniques. The ukes get worked.
I remember reading somewhere a modern Daito Ryu master saying "If i throw you and you smile, that's Aikido. If I throw you and you scream, that's Daito Ryu."
So am I to understand that Akijujutsu is a hybrid of Aikido and JuJutsu? What are Akijujutsu's most notable moves--in other words, more like Aikido or JuJutsu?

- Ceicei
jwreck said:
I remember reading somewhere a modern Daito Ryu master saying "If i throw you and you smile, that's Aikido. If I throw you and you scream, that's Daito Ryu."

That's a good one...... :boing2: :boing2: :boing2:

I "broke/spraned" a guys arm once at Aikido(he screamed), does that make it Daitoryu : :rolleyes: :) :idunno:

Just joking....

Ceicei said:
So am I to understand that Akijujutsu is a hybrid of Aikido and JuJutsu? What are Akijujutsu's most notable moves--in other words, more like Aikido or JuJutsu?

- Ceicei

From what I understand, Aikido came along hundreds of years later. Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba and his first dojo did not open until 1927, making it a relatively new form of martial arts. Ueshiba studied ju-justu, kendo, and spear fighting under many masters . But in 1912 he studied daito ryu-aiki ju-jutsu under Sokaku Takeda. Daito ryu-aiki ju-justu has been around since the 6th century AD and was passed down through members of the Aizu clan. Jujutsu in legend is said to have formed in 712 AD, but was most likely formed in the 1500's. So actually Aikido was formed out of jujustu and daito ryu combined with the philosophy of Omoto-kyo Buddhism.

Anyway, hope that helps!
Not to get off of the topic but how many of you have incorporated pressure points with your Aiki, also another thing that I have done is combine Wally Jays Small Circle Method and Tony Annesis' Down Out Down mothod and I have been getting great results try these and give me some feedback best of luck
Josh said:
Hi folks. this seems like a really awesome art. How many of ya'll do it?? What's the Fighting part of it all about??

And do ya'll know of any clips i can find of it? Thanks.
Hakko-ryu and Kokodo-ryu (Hakko Denshin-ryu) are forms of Aiki Jujutsu. It was derived from Daito-ryu. This site below has videoclips in the WAZA section:

I am in close correspondence with a Menkyokaiden holder of Kokodo-ryu, his name is Mr. Roy Hobbs. Menkyokaiden is a certificate of full proficiency in a martial art style.

Hope this helps!

Ben Haryo
MisterMike said:

I agree with MisterMike. Look into Miguel Ibarra series. It is pretty good and he is legitimately recognized as an Aikijujutsu master.

If you can't find an Aikijujutsu school, look into a Yoshinkan or Tomiki Aikido school.

All the best.

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