Do video games contribute to violence?

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I suspect much of their (DSS/CPS) reluctance to act is a fear of litigation. They are constantly accused of trying to break up families and ruining the reputation of stalwart citizens.

Some of those stalwart citizens are hurting their kids pretty badly, too. I saw a situation of this first hand when I witnessed a mom (a woman, by her own words, of reputation) pick her obstinate four year old off of the floor by her hair. The girl's feet left the ground. Mom then carried her to the family SUV like she was luggage. We called CPS, to no avail. The daughter and her sister denied it happened.

One problem is the "he said, she said" situation. Often the kid won't make a claim against the parent (even in the face of pretty nasty abuse), and it becomes difficult to make a case. See above example.

In the case I listed in a previous post concerning my ward, it was his word against his father's. His sister stood with the father and claimed she didn't witness any abuse. The father, a disgusting sociopath with a record of unprosecuted sex offenses, also claimed that nothing happened. CPS's hands were tied.

We managed to get the boy into the Youth Shelter with CPS's recommendation and then three days later an attorney convinced the judge to give us custody. Even then, the limits of the law were somewhat stretched. We had but ONE precedent for making the case. She bought it based on the boy's affadavit...but she knew that if the father had contested it, we would have lost and she would have had egg on her face. The father didn't contest it. A pro bono attorney apparently told him he'd lose. Good thing the pro bono attorney didn't want to really work for free for a guy the likes of the father.

So CPS had a positive role in this insofar as getting the kid into the Youth Shelter. I can say they did what they could do, and the reps were genuinely concerned for our ward. Still, their investigation brought nothing to light that a prosecutor could use against the dad.

The dad is dead as of last year. Heart attack. I mourn his loss, as I had fantasized about killing him myself. I say with no hesitation that the only thing that kept me from doing this was a respect for the law.

Maybe I play too many video games.

Or not enough, given how long he lived.


Originally posted by rmcrobertson
By the way, the reasons that organizations like Child Protective services don't work is the systematic gutting of their budgets after years of lower and lower tax revenues, so that their case workers end up grossly overburdened with cases.

Much of what happens is what's called, "unfunded mandates:" the State says you MUST do a thing, but apportions no money for it. So...

And Americans are really more generous than anybody else? Huh.

My understanding is that we give less of our GNP than any other country, certinly far less than the Scandinavian countries. But maybe I've got this wrong...

Oh no - not the "Just throw more money at it and it will go away" fix.

I heard some politician speaking a little while back and when asked what % would be satisfactory for a tax rate, he replied "70"

Ya, let's all give 70% of our EARNED money away to the "needy." Sound slike a great place to live, maybe as good as Scandinavia.
Video games do NOT contribute to violence. I am proof. I like to play video games and have done so for most of my life. I have played games like doom and counter-strike and abunch of other games. I have yet to shoot anybody. Or whack anybody with a +3 broad sword or ay other thing like that.
Colombine did not happen because of Doom it happend cuz some kids got picked on to much and lashed out.
Mike, I was under the impression that you'd just claimed that the U.S. was, "more generous," than any other country. Guess I thought that a statement of the facts would be in order. Sorry.

All you do is spew the same thoughtless conservative rhetoric. Ever wonder what would happen if you unplugged? Would your mouth stop working and your mind freeze? Or would you see a different view of the world? Perhaps...

Originally posted by upnorthkyosa

All you do is spew the same thoughtless conservative rhetoric. Ever wonder what would happen if you unplugged? Would your mouth stop working and your mind freeze? Or would you see a different view of the world? Perhaps...


Actually, there is quite a bit of thought behind it. Someday you may earn to see it. I'm not holding my breath though.
it happend cuz some kids got picked on to much and lashed out.

Well, I got picked on. Badly. I had the wrong skin color and accent for where I lived. I haven't whacked anyone yet.

Others on this forum got picked on, and THEY haven't whacked anyone yet.

Those two kids at Columbine were CRAZY. They were psychopaths. The bad luck is that two kids like that got hooked up with each other, making double trouble. Picked on? Probably. Did it drive them over the edge? Probably not. My guess is that they would have killed someone eventually. They ENJOYED IT. And they killed kids that had treated them decently.

Ya, let's all give 70% of our EARNED money away to the "needy." Sound slike a great place to live, maybe as good as Scandinavia.

I heard Scandinavia is a nice place to live. I'm going there next Easter. I'll let you know.

As far as your slippery slope argument, it isn't worth addressing.

I'll keep this as civil as possible, Jay. I will attempt to keep it as civil as any one of the Presidential political candidates debating one another. Perhaps more so.

MM, as far as I've seen, you have yet to properly debate people on this forum. You fail to answer questions. You "snipe" by throwing out a shot, and then you disappear from threads. On the thread concerning gay marriages you were rude to Robert, evasive, and condescending. You never answered the challenges presented you.

It would appear that, contrary to your statement above, you've not put much thought into your posts or your political philosophy. I can respect a conservative viewpoint if its cogent and if the owner of the viewpoint will debate the issues with readiness and confidence. I have many well-read conservative friends who are well schooled in logic. Sadly, you don't meet their standards.

Honestly? I think you lack that intellectual confidence to engage in such debate. You post nothing of depth or substance and parrot a simplistic bumper sticker mentality party line that we've all heard before.

To be fair, if I heard a liberal or a libertarian, or a progressive (and I lean, politically, towards the latter two) argue as you've done, I'd put the same energy into countering them. It merits it.


Originally posted by hardheadjarhead
Well, I got picked on. Badly. I had the wrong skin color and accent for where I lived. I haven't whacked anyone yet.

Others on this forum got picked on, and THEY haven't whacked anyone yet.

Those two kids at Columbine were CRAZY. They were psychopaths. The bad luck is that two kids like that got hooked up with each other, making double trouble. Picked on? Probably. Did it drive them over the edge? Probably not. My guess is that they would have killed someone eventually. They ENJOYED IT. And they killed kids that had treated them decently.

I know I will prolly get hit for "sniping" in a thread too, but I think while the two nutjobs in Columbine didn't do what they did only because of getting abused by classmates, I think that the abuse was a major factor in their decision to commit a national tragedy. Consequently, they did spare the kids they remembered as being kind to them. Many of the survivers related accounts of how one of the killers would find a cowering student and as he was going to murder the student, the other murderer would say "no, I remember her, she was cool to me, leave her. " The fact is that cliques, hazing and student-on-student abuse has gotten much worse as aggression and violence have become publicized and idolized in everyday society. I think a combination, of abuse, availability of weapons, aggressive disposition, alienation, lack of guidance and direction, and finally despair caused the Columbine massacre. Every one of these ingredients increased the likelyhood of a major violent event.
Well, I got picked on. Badly. I had the wrong skin color and accent for where I lived. I haven't whacked anyone yet.
They were Psyco I agree. They probably would have killed some one some day. Picking on them I think sent them over the edge early. I could be wrong and may well be aabout that though. Any way you look at it they didnt do it from just because of video games.
I don't think there is any ONE reason that can be pointed to for anyone like the two at Columbine going over the edge. To point to any one thing is, IMO, irresponsible and dangerous. Most of us, at some point or another, have been picked on. I went through hell for years as a child because I have the biggest ears this side of Buckingham Palace. Eventually I learned that self depricating humor works great. It put others at ease, took the wind out of any snipe they may have (how much power does a potentially painful remark have if I've already shown that I am aware that I'm different and it doesn't bother me) and allowed folks to get to know me for me. Did I ever think about going ballistic? Sure, but I didn't act on it. I found other outlets and made damn sure that I didn't do to others what was done to me. By the time high school rolled around I was a fairly popular guy.
Originally posted by theletch1
I found other outlets and made damn sure that I didn't do to others what was done to me. By the time high school rolled around I was a fairly popular guy.

So,. . . . . what happened? J/K ;)
Originally posted by theletch1
A wife (o.k. I'm on my second wife) 5 kids and a more than full time job I just don't have time to work on my suave demeaner any more:wah:

Akk. . .don't tell me that. I'm recently engaged and its too early for second thoughts, or at least that's what my fiance' says. See that, she's already trying to think for me. :D
To point to any one thing on any thing and say its the reason is allways wrong. I am saying that the kids being picked on was a big factor.
As for being pppicked on I know that one myself. Man did I hate middle school. glad I am out of there and out of high school. I love college.
Man am I good at starting things that end up splitting conversations. I am so good I don't even have to try. At least this time I guess it has somebearing on the debate.
She's got a pretty good set on her. Ears, that is.
:rofl: That's a good one, Steve! There's a pic of me in the martial arts pix thread... see for your self.

Kids can be cruel, (and don't give me the "they're just kids so they don't know any better" line). As an elementary and even into middle school student the torment was enough for me to try to find reasons not to go to school. My parents were wise to the ploy and sent me in any way. As I said in my previous post I found other ways to deal with it besides violence. I played b.b. gun wars as a kid, hunted (so I had access to guns), watched John Wayne movies and lived in a family that was of the old fashioned "boys don't cry or show emotions so hold it in" mentality. I never resorted to violence to manifest my anger or hurt or whatever other emotion these kids are supposed to be getting out.
Does anyone think that the huge increase in graphics and special effects in games, tv, and movies makes it harder for kids to distinguish the real from non-real?

If I were a kid, I would have a hard time.

Does anyone think that the huge increase in graphics and special effects in games, tv, and movies makes it harder for kids to distinguish the real from non-real?
I have to believe that it's all relative as far as this goes. What we thought was "realism" growing up is now seen as cheap parlour tricks (Star Trek for instance) to todays kids and I'm sure that my grand kids (and it better be a long time before I have those) will look at the stuff my kids are growing up with and say something to the effect that the effects are silly looking. I believe that knowing that video games are just another type of media is what's important at the base level. No matter how "real" the graphics are as long as the child is taught that it is indeed "media" then the upgrades shouldn't make any more difference to them than to us when we were coming up.
A thirteen year old gave me a copy of the game "Deus Ex" and the Playstation game "Devil May Cry". Very realistic...but not too realistic.

Realism may get to be so disgusting that children won't want anything to do with it. The boy who gave it to me is a good kid, very sensitive, very compassionate. Yet he enjoys the game...he KNOWS it isn't real when he blows the bad guys into fifty pieces.

Were the game to truly become blood and guts (and it may someday, with the growth of technology), I think he'd pass it up. His parents, certainly, would be the "Gatekeepers" as all parents ought to be...and they wouldn't let him play a game that was too extreme. They know their son, however...and such games aren't going to turn him evil.

By the way, I've almost beat the level where I'm at Level Two of the virus synthesis lab...and I haven't used ONE cheat code. Go me.


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