abortion is truly a classic amongst difficult topics. Very difficult subject.
Being an active parent or someone that has become aware, it becomes apparent what a great influence our action and even opinions can have on our surroundings. i think that in a similar way, all the different sources of spiritual or moral guidance, are in a similar position.
Why should other people worry whether I'm going to hell or not?
this is funny... i guess if someone really cared about your spiritual wellbeing, it would be a noble thing. however, i'm pretty sure most are just using it as an excuse to maintain their powertrip.
so for example if we make marijuana legal, many people will take to smoking and much will change- ultimately, certain types of people will flock in the smoking areas and many more otherdrug-users will also gather there. so at first whilst we thought it was alright to legalize marijuana begin wondering about the subsequent reprocussions. stuff escalates. that is why lawmaking is truly a facinating subject in itself. the initial potheads turned into an acceptable culture clouded by still graver elements of the drugworld.
my personal take on abortion is, the mother should decide and have some degree of controll over her situation.
i mean, i'm not saying i am disagreeing with the catholic 'life is too holy' spiel, actually, i agree more than i don't. however, i dislike hateful and hasty kinds of extremism. after all, suicide is not permited in the catholic church. however, it would be impossible to try to keep someone alive if they didn't want to live.
Is an unborn baby a life that needs to be protected? yes. i do think so. however, it is the child of an individual that has the responsibility to govern his own world.
lawmakers will continue to face much opposition whatever guidelines they offer or laws they impose.
i think people need too spend less time making laws and more time helping on another. with all the killing, starving and death in the world, it is not as big as an issue as some would have you believe. however, human life is holy and everyone may play their part. but it doesnt help when leaders and great establishments of authority take up extreme positions,,,that is where this 'problem' originates from. - no piece of cake to send it back to where it came from.
with all the messed up medical procedures out there, i think it would be silly taking up a religious standpoint on even this most holy subject of unborn life. those that claim they love life and claim that they are protecting it, should also find the heart to reach out and help those around them by supporting them and guiding them to the wisest decision. not by judging them on whatever evil.
so when is it ok to abort? well, it is when your children come to you? when you yourself are in trouble, it suddenly all changes.
well, just for the record, if i were a woman, the chance that i would abort would probably be under 1 percent. if my wife or girlfriend would be pregnant, i would never ask for an abortion no matter what. also, most likely i would be happy. der mensch denkt, gott lenkt. 'mankind sneers but god steers'- if my girlfriend or wife were to get pregnant and want to abort, i would probably beg her not to-maybe even get angry, but i don't think i could have any real control over the situation-even as the wouldbe father.
if people realized the imortality of having children and just how precious their own blood is, then i guess they would be less likely to want to abort.
it's like asking someone? do you want to spar? do you want to go hiking? do you want to have a baby? - so often times, in my eyes, abortion is a sign of weakness and stupidity. ok stupidity might be to strong and judgemental a word.
basically, one shouldnt judge anothers situation that one hasnt studied indepthly..and that's only the beginning.