Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way

I am not watching the Grammys ... I don't normally go in for the award shows.

But it looks like "Not Ready to Make Nice" just won Song of the Year, too.
You too???? :eek: :eek: :eek:

So that's why we get along ;)

I'm actually very curious to hear the new album.

Both of you have music degrees? Ahhhhhh, now that would explain some things...:)

There are now some promising therapies for this condition ...... but you have to tale the first step and put a Bush bumper sticker on your cars...... and start listening to country......
And if they have an opinion, it is acceptable to extend death threats?

EDIT ---

This is an interesting comment ...
little late for rep sniping isnt it?
But even more interesting, I have no idea what this person is referencing.


At least we agree on something!

What ever happened to the days when somebody who disagreed would take you on openly in a debate? Nowadays they just sneak off to do reputation damage..... now there are some great scholars and warriors...:soapbox:
Both of you have music degrees? Ahhhhhh, now that would explain some things...:)

There are now some promising therapies for this condition ...... but you have to tale the first step and put a Bush bumper sticker on your cars...... and start listening to country......

I am very familiar with country music. I was a big fan of much of it.

Some of the overly patriotic crap is crap; like when boasts about not knowing the difference between Iraq and Iran ... when we're in a war with one, and headed toward war with the other.

But, There is no room for a Bush Bumper Sticker between my Trout Unlimited and ACLU bumper stickers.

By the Way ....

Record of the Year ..... And the Grammy Goes to ...

Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way.

Now, that's a cure for what ailes you.
Both of you have music degrees? Ahhhhhh, now that would explain some things...:)

There are now some promising therapies for this condition ...... but you have to tale the first step and put a Bush bumper sticker on your cars...... and start listening to country......

Well, that doesn't sound like anything too extreme. But don't go telling me to give up my import...them's fightin' words! :D :D
I am very familiar with country music. I was a big fan of much of it.

Some of the overly patriotic crap is crap; like when boasts about not knowing the difference between Iraq and Iran ... when we're in a war with one, and headed toward war with the other.

But, There is no room for a Bush Bumper Sticker between my Trout Unlimited and ACLU bumper stickers.

By the Way ....

Record of the Year ..... And the Grammy Goes to ...

Dixie Chicks - Taking the Long Way.

Now, that's a cure for what ailes you.

The Ditzy Chicks certainly are not a cure, though research continues into whether they are a cause or merely an annoying symptom.

I'd be worried if your bumper stickers are too close together..... you may suddenly find the ACLU espousing Trout's Rights...... then where will you be?:)
well I don't listen to the dixie chicks much I have seen there video on VH1 but thats about it. I respect there views and understand that they can say anything they want even if you don't agree with what they say. i have heard that the new album is pretty good though
I didn't like the Chicks music before the bru-ha-ha and I don't like it now, it just never appealled to me, but hey to each their own.
I don't care about entertainers political views. Afterall, they have insane money and are not really the every day joe now are they? What I find amazing is the numb mind public that follows what major artists/entertainers say/do and try and pattern themselves after those they have nothing in common with.

For example: Linda Godwin, a Southeast Missouri State Grad. was an astronaut.

I graduated from S.E.M.O., am I an astronaut? Nope, not at all. It wouldn't make any difference if Linda had been in a huge band or big actress either.