Its defenately her business but sensei id in her mid 60s too. So i almost think she likes the size it is. The school in total has 20 students enrolled. so we are small. The other issue is there are only 2 shotokan schools left in the area i live. Im very passionate about martial arts and take it seriously. It disapoints me that alot of the teenagers dont and all they care about is getting a black belt.some are very disrespectful and shes held them back because she doesnt feel they are ready and there are a few upset parents asking why their kid doest have a black belt yet. Its not about the belt its about learning respect and disapline.
Forget about the competition, they really aren't a problem. Your real competition is soccer practice, dance classes and other activities. More karate schools helps all the karate schools, and the ones that are the best grow.
At 20 students it's going to be tough. If you make changes you can get it to grow, but if the owner doesn't want to make changes and grow it won't. She may see that as selling out, or changing tradition, or any number of things. But, to be perfectly honest, it's not a very good school. Good schools grow, it might have good things about it, but it's not a good school.
I don't care what the subject is, if you put grade 1 students and grade 8 students in the same class and try to teach them the same it's going to fail and you're going to have class management issues. It's just too many years and they got too much difference.
You would probably end up with a bigger class by removing kids bellow a certain age, because your retention would go up. But it would take time, something that could be sped up with marketing, but I suspect she doesn't like paying for marketing?
Martial Arts is a social activity. We do it because its fun, and we enjoy the people we do it with. Especially with kids. If you can't look at the class and see them in at least the same sort of age range that they might be friends... it's not going to work. A 6 year old and a 12 year old will not be inviting each other over to hang out after class based on age alone. Why would they want to hang out in a class together?
Beyond that if discipline is a issue the things to look at would be class structure and curriculum. If the curriculum is inappropriate for the group you'll have problems, and if the pacing and structure of the class are inappropriate you will have problems. If they are having fun and learning at the same time a lot of issues will go away, but if the only reason they are there is because mom or dad forced them... well it's going to be no fun for you.
Next thing is are you having fun? Fun is contagious. If you're having fun they probably will, if you aren't they probably won't. Make sure everyone is having fun