Differences in forms


Orange Belt
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
why are the forms peformed different btwn schools or lineages?

when sifus branch off, do they changed it to how they like it?
I come from an Ip Man lineage (as most practioneers do) and I asked my instructor this and he said a lot of it has to do with when the founder of that branch of schools studied with Ip Man. Ip Man taught for decades and along with that approach, application and view points change.
why are the forms peformed different btwn schools or lineages?

when sifus branch off, do they changed it to how they like it?

Because my way is the best, and everybody else is an idiot, of course!

Actually, there are several reasons why even WC/WT coming from Yip Man will vary:

1. It's widely held that Grandmaster Yip adjusted and taught the movements differently during different phases of his life.

2. Some Sifus never learned the advanced sets from Grandmaster Yip directly, so they invented or borrowed movements to fill in what was missing.

3. Many Sifus made changes and adjustments of their own to suit their own interpretation of the art.

Now, if this is true of first generation students of Grandmaster Yip, then by the time you get down to second and third generation students, you have to multiply these variations many times over. By the time many of these sets were made truly public on youtube and so forth, myriad variations had already emerged.

By the way, this process of evolution, for better or worse, is nothing new. In fact, I'd say that it's a normal part of the development of a martial art.
What's more troubling are the inflated claims of absolute superiority trumpeted in some quarters.
Would you agree that Ip man's version of SNT,Chum Kiu and Biu Tze are consistent with what is being taught at both the GM Leung Ting and Sifu Jeff Web and The EBMAS branches of Wing Tsun? the proof might be in the pudding....iv'e seen some pretty sloppy renditions of Wing Chun,some spot on....any feedback? ideas and opinons appreciated.....two cents.....
I looked on Youtube and found some videos from my lineage. SLT looks totally different. There is one video that looks more like Yip man but its Yuen Kay San. There is another video that is exactly the same until you get near the end. An just a little longer with more moves than what I was originally taught. The First video doesn't have as many moves and second either. The first video looks alot sloppier and has less self defense apparent benefits. But they may have something to do with the practioners skill level of the two videos. I perfer the second video more. Although the first is okay too...Just has some stuff missing.
If you will take notice (and not to one up or detract from anyone persons lineage) GGM Leung Ting's,Sifu Jeff Webb,and the EBMAS school of WT teach the SNT pretty much the same way as was taught by Ip Man,I have seen the videos,and have personally participated in different schools,just to see the delineation firsthand.Out of respect I will not comment on what it is I have witnessed,however the formentioned schools adhere to the core principles.Bottom line, if it works for you......prep for the street,if you cannot defend yourself....stay home,or find a different hobby.
I don't know enough about GGM Leung Ting or Sifu Jeff Webb or the ebmas school to comment on your statement. So I can not really answer that one. Do you have a videos you can post?

If you will take notice (and not to one up or detract from anyone persons lineage) GGM Leung Ting's,Sifu Jeff Webb,and the EBMAS school of WT teach the SNT pretty much the same way as was taught by Ip Man,I have seen the videos,and have personally participated in different schools,just to see the delineation firsthand.Out of respect I will not comment on what it is I have witnessed,however the formentioned schools adhere to the core principles.Bottom line, if it works for you......prep for the street,if you cannot defend yourself....stay home,or find a different hobby.
Geezer couldn't have said it any better.There are a lot of similarities out there,core principles?I stand humbly corrected....
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