Look for the better teacher.
Both M.A. are rather closely related, despite the differences. The real difficulty is finding a teacher who really understands his own way and preferences (does he prefer contests, S.D. or spirtual apects and how does it afect the way he teaches?), has deep understanding of the techniques (mechnics, phisics, and psychology are all parts of the whole), and knows to pass his knowledge on and grow good students.
Finiding such a teacher, and one you relate to, is the real difficulty. If you can find him, you should learn whatever he teachs (even if it is his own newly founded M.A. style, based on several styles he has learned and honed for several decades which he consolidates based on his own understanding and intuition).
A friend of mine has studied Judo for over a decade, childhood to adulthood, then stopped for several years. He joined the Korindo Aikido Dojo I practice at recently and claimed our Aikido is much more martial, then the Judo he learned, since the latter was very competitive and therefore, extremly limited. I was surprised, since I always held Judo practitioners with great respect for their martial prowess (I have seen some Judo students of my Sensei).
Apparantly, this is once again a matter of teacher attitude.