Difference between Butokuden and Aikido

Aikido is a Japanese martial art. Butokuden is a building in Kyoto (perhaps you mean something else but I can't find anything on the internet).
Okay, my neighbor and son are going there. I asked him what the art was called and he gave me butokuden. He must have meant the school name. There is a Butokuden Dojo at the Japanese Cultural Center here in Irvine CA.
Thanks for the input.
google to the rescue:


“BUTOKUDEN, Inc. is a cultural organization whose ongoing mission is to provide an opportunity for the general public to access activities and classes rooted in Japanese culture. The organization promotes the preservation of Japanese values, traditions, history, and activities, and seeks to spread Japanese culture through instruction to the greater Southern California community.”

BUTOKUDEN has Martial Arts classes for all levels in KENDO, KARATE, NAGINATA, AIKIDO and JODO. On the cultural side, we offer KADO (Sogetsuryu Ikebana Flower Arrangement), and Bushido culture classes.

One is a Martial Art the other is a place where that are and many others are taught.
Aikido is a strange martial art. They are so many styles and practitioners. There is not a lot of agreement between them either. You have those who believe it's an art of peace, other's who think not, and many more who could care less about such topics. As ever it's just a case of turning up on a weekly basis and enjoying the practice. If you find a club or style you like, stick with it. Butokuden sounds like an interesting place to train, just go along and see what you think.