Thanks, John. I wish you well in your business endeavors, but I won't be buying one of those videos... I find the concept of shitei kata to be abhorrent.
The idea of Shitei kata has its place in competition, though, in that it supposedly puts everyone on the same playing field. Thus, one person's way of performing Shotokan's Kanku Dai or Jion will not be favored from another one's, since everyone has to do it with the same sequence.
Let's face it: judges are going to be biased, even if they try not to be biased. This way, judges who know how each Shitei kata is supposed to be performed, can render a fairer judgement.
I do wonder, though, what the Wado Ryu folks were thinking when they decided to use Seisan as a Shitei kata? I can certainly agree with using Chinto, since it shows very well, but Seisan? I would have figured they would have used Wanshu instead...