Xue Sheng
All weight is underside
I feel good 
I cut out all red meat two weeks a ago and cut down on dairyas well. I also started eating a lot more vegetables. This past week, based onthe diet I saw in Bruce Lee, and John R. Little, “The Art of Expressing theHuman Body” I decided to do my best to avoid all processed foods and startdrinking more tea (Green) like I did in the old days as well… so far so good
Last week I noticed I had more energy and lost some of theweight I gained due to my series of injuries and today I noticed something Ihad not really felt that strongly in a long time that I can only describe akind of internal energy (no I am not saying Qi). I am feeling the connectionsbetter in the forms (meaning from root to where I want the power to go) and Iam doing Santi Shi, Wuji and Zhan Zhuang or forms (Wuxingquan and Sil Lim Tao)whenever I have a free moment…. I just can’t help myself.

I cut out all red meat two weeks a ago and cut down on dairyas well. I also started eating a lot more vegetables. This past week, based onthe diet I saw in Bruce Lee, and John R. Little, “The Art of Expressing theHuman Body” I decided to do my best to avoid all processed foods and startdrinking more tea (Green) like I did in the old days as well… so far so good
Last week I noticed I had more energy and lost some of theweight I gained due to my series of injuries and today I noticed something Ihad not really felt that strongly in a long time that I can only describe akind of internal energy (no I am not saying Qi). I am feeling the connectionsbetter in the forms (meaning from root to where I want the power to go) and Iam doing Santi Shi, Wuji and Zhan Zhuang or forms (Wuxingquan and Sil Lim Tao)whenever I have a free moment…. I just can’t help myself.