Master Black Belt
制定 seitei meaning formal or established..
What i was referring to was 正体 seitai- which can often be heard in physical therapy circles but also in iai.
Unfortunately i was not able to find the material, but i'm quite certain i saw it in that form. I'll keep looking through my stuff to know the exact ryuha that use these terms- quite sure im not mistaken but i'm a little surprised that i could not find anything right away.
What i was referring to was 正体 seitai- which can often be heard in physical therapy circles but also in iai.
Unfortunately i was not able to find the material, but i'm quite certain i saw it in that form. I'll keep looking through my stuff to know the exact ryuha that use these terms- quite sure im not mistaken but i'm a little surprised that i could not find anything right away.