Did Mr. Parker Sell Out to Elvis?

A question commonly heard by martial arts instructors from prospective students (or their parents) is some variant of "Will this interfere with my religious beliefs?" I posted a link to a story about one such case.

MartialTalk members probably have many different religious beliefs and many different views on how that interacts with their martial arts training and philosophy. Here are two threads where it was discussed:

It seems to me that Kirk meant no offense and was not trying to start such a discussion. On the other hand I can certainly see why donald felt such a comment was inappropriate, even as a quote from another person. I am reminded of the advice that was given to some of the first newsgroup users way back in the 1980s each time they logged on before they could start reading and posting:

I. Thou shalt not offend.
II. Thou shalt not be easily offended.

That could be good advice here! I think Kirk was correct that it would be best to take any further discussion of this matter to e-mail, or start a new thread for a discussion of martial arts and Christianity.
Can we please get off the religon stuff?
I for one prefer to discuss Kenpo or Kenpo related stuff, not religon. If I wanted to do that I would go to a religon forum.


To Any Concerned,
I meant what I said, but did not attempt to portray God as humorless. As previously mentioned, He did invent humor.
I just don't believe He would find those kind of comments funny.
Anymore than He would chuckle at "Eddie Murphy Raw".I agree that this is a martial art forum, and not Sunday School. However I will include Christ in my post where I deem appropriate. On a side note. In answer to the show me where it(God's Word)says we can't poke fun at God comment! God's Word tells us we're not use His name in vain. This is not a suggestion, but a commandment!!! If you doubt the validity of this. Next time you catch yourself using God in a joke, or His name as a answer to frustration. Replace it with your own name, or the name of someone you love. Check out how soon you grow tired of hearing your name kicked a boot(Canadian inflection for Gou). Better yet check out what God says through His Word. OldTestament in Exodus, NewTestament in Luke, i.e. "The greatest commandment is this,love The Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength". Take it as you will. I've said my piece...
Salute in Christ
:D Donald
I think God probably exists and that according to what my Mom told me, (she's tight with the guy) he's a kewl dude.

I just don't hang with him.

Back on topic. Al Tracy dies and goes to Heaven, (No, that's not the joke) When he gets there he asks if Ed Parker is there. He is Told Ed is not. (No, that is not the joke either) Al is happy to finally be out of Ed Parker's shadow.

While he is walking along this cloud he sees a man teaching something in the distance and as he gets closer he sees a man teaching students Kenpo and it's the most perfect Kenpo he's ever seen, and he turns to the angel and says, "I thought you said Ed Parker wasn't here?"

The angel replies, "No, that's not Ed Parker, that's God, he just likes to think he's Ed Parker."

Oh man, I am waiting to be struck by lightning any time now...
Well, I guess I don't have to worry 'bout anybody gettin their pannies in a wad over MY rants...

Actually (and I am not sure what it was in Canada), but around here that used to be circulated as a TOM LANDRY joke!

WHOA!! Just heard a loud crackle!! Gou, you there.... hey man.... somebody poke him with a fork, see if he's done...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Now you've done it!!
Not only do you have to put up with the religous zelouts (sp?)
you'll have to put up with some Parker fanatic that thinks you just dissed him bad.
I thought it was funny!
If I'm not living on the edge I feel I'm taking up too much space.
Originally posted by donald
To Any Concerned,
I meant what I said, but did not attempt to portray God as humorless. As previously mentioned, He did invent humor.
I just don't believe He would find those kind of comments funny.
Anymore than He would chuckle at "Eddie Murphy Raw".I agree that this is a martial art forum, and not Sunday School. However I will include Christ in my post where I deem appropriate. On a side note. In answer to the show me where it(God's Word)says we can't poke fun at God comment! God's Word tells us we're not use His name in vain. This is not a suggestion, but a commandment!!! If you doubt the validity of this. Next time you catch yourself using God in a joke, or His name as a answer to frustration. Replace it with your own name, or the name of someone you love. Check out how soon you grow tired of hearing your name kicked a boot(Canadian inflection for Gou). Better yet check out what God says through His Word. OldTestament in Exodus, NewTestament in Luke, i.e. "The greatest commandment is this,love The Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, your mind, and your strength". Take it as you will. I've said my piece...
Salute in Christ
:D Donald

If I wanted a sermon I would go to church, enough with the religion. this a martial arts forum, not church chat.
Gou is pretty safe where he is. If someone cannot take a few joke then they should stay in their little bubble of a world and leave more room for the rest of us.
I respect Donald for his convictions. We all probably should. Rob is right. Let's get back on track. (It pained me to say that)
Don't feel bad Gou it usually tweaks people nuggets when they have to agree with me.
From what I heard Elvis was ready to start getting back in shape when he passed away. I also heard that Frank Trejo respected the man and was supposed to be part of the personal security team for the concert that was to start later that yr.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
From what I heard Elvis was ready to start getting back in shape when he passed away.

I hadn't heard that. Was he perpetually planning on getting back into shape or was this going to be a real effort? Was he still actively practicing the martial arts at the time?
Re: Religions - Just a friendly note, as was mentioned above, this is a martial arts forum, topic kenpo, not a religion forum - topic flaming. To quote Red Leader "Stay on Target". :) We all have our own beliefs, and of course, we're all right. :) In the mean time, please keep it friendly, and agree to disagree, please? Thank you.

Re: Gou trying to get a post back on topic - Cue me wandering around clutching chest.... :D

Re: Elvis - Good questions. I've often heard of folks just about ready to turn the corner on getting their stuff together and dying. Sam Kinison comes to my mind. From what you've all posted here, and the associated links, it seems like at one time at least, he was pretty into it. Plus the other things I know about Elvis's early days, ya never know. Maybe if he'd just started a day sooner, we'd still be graced by his talent. (please note, I'm not an Elvis fan.)

Someone mentioned that no one could move up in the ranksas fats as Elvis did. I am no going to take the time to look it up, but it was said earlier in this thread. Imagine spending a weekend with SGM Parker learning, that would be the equivalent of 6 months training to any of us. Ask Gou what his weekend with Huk was like. Ask Ed Parker Jr., he will tell you his father would just say throw X punch and a lesson would start.

Ed Parker was always teaching something whether you were slapping eachother around or sitting at the kitchen table. To be with him was a constant learning experience. And what are the qualifications after 6th degree? Most of the higher ranks are political, so what if Elvis's 8th degree was honorary he helped get kenpo into the public eye.
Mod. Note:

This is an open board, but in order to keep things on track, we ask that you focus on the topic of this board - martial arts. Furthermore, we ask that you try to stay on topic in a thread.

I'm sure all of the MartialTalk moderators are all for religious freedom; however, this board is not the place to discuss religion. If you wish to do so, please do it by private message or e-mail. If you wish to discuss religion in the martial arts, feel free to start a thread in the General forum. This particular forum is for Kenpo/Kempo and all posts here should be on that topic.

Please try to stay on topic or we'll have to lock this thread, which would be unfortunate, because some of the stuff (like the info on Hank Slomansky) has been very interesting.

Thank you,

-MT Mod-
I pretty much agree with Rob. The publicity can't have done anything but helped the art.