Did I not get the memo?

green meanie,

I am liking your new avatar. I figured you was dancing to some beach boys music.

My pooch approves too... can't you see it in his face? :D
Not changing it yet. It's only a month old. Besides it wasn't easy finding Curly striking a stance. Comes from a t-shirt that says "I can't take no Moe!"
Lisa said:
green meanie,

I am liking your new avatar. I figured you was dancing to some beach boys music.

My pooch approves too... can't you see it in his face? :D
yours is pretty cool too. it reminds me of dogs when they see little penguins. cute and cuddly!
mantis said:
yours is pretty cool too. it reminds me of dogs when they see little penguins. cute and cuddly!

heh heh... I was gonna call him Fluffy but that name was already taken ;) so, I call him pookie instead.
jdinca said:
Not changing it yet. It's only a month old. Besides it wasn't easy finding Curly striking a stance. Comes from a t-shirt that says "I can't take no Moe!"
Now see, you should replace the Martial Talk/blue belt with it. That's funny! :lol2:
Sarah, can you make him stick his tongue waaaaaay out?