DF: Why do you study CMA's?

Clark Kent

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Why do you study CMA's?
By TTEscrima - Wed, 18 Jun 2008 23:06:07 GMT
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


What attracted you to the CMA's and what benefits have you seen from training them?


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I have to tell you, in the beginning of my martial arts training CMA didn't seem the way to go until I had a friend training in it. At that point while sparring with him I not only felt the depth of the chinese arts but it just seemed like this style of fighting could be done at any age, from any position and it had depth to it's philosophies, as opposed to some of the other asian arts I had studied or had been studying at that time. One big thing about CMA is also, how good of a Sifu can you find and how far can he take you in the sytem. I guess I was one of the lucky ones, I found a true of the boat, so to speak, Sifu, who's system is very deep and he was willing to teach it all to me. (secrets, so to speak-Dim Mak, Hak Ma, etc..)
This makes a big difference in the belief, there is always something to learn.
its funny that with any media hype and exposure of martial arts in general it was mostly chinese orientated and yet karate esp gets the leg up from that exposure..... i did karate for 10yrs and altho i was accutely aware of various CMA's esp through bruce lee' and was off put by the karate instructors about wing chun esp.
it was my age and my realisation that i could not high kick anymore that led me to find beta arts....FOR me!

i have trained wing chun since feb this year and i love it. the focus i have in all other aspects of my life are appaarent. i am grumpy if i dont get to practise on the days i planned to.
i dont scream and rant at people in the car when they cut me up lol. and alround i am a more chilled person.
obviously i am more flexible i weigh less and am stronger-core strength than i have been for years(since stopping any ma)

so yeah lots of benefits for me!
